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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. My husband's employer has not allowed more than $2000/year deposited into an FSA for the 6 years he has been with them. I did call their human resources department and ask about it last year, they stated it is the same for everyone in their U.S. division of the company. $2000/year is a small drop in the bucket to us. We can spend at LEAST $6000/year in medical alone, not counting my dental bills. If you add my dental bills in with the medical then we can easily double or possibly triple that amount. This is not taking into account the fact that our healthcare insurance premiums have increa
  2. The largest selection of artificial trees that I have ever seen in one place is in Garden Ridge in Kennesaw. They do also have skinny trees. I have THREE different sizes for the inside of the house! LOL We usually do a tall skinny one for the living room as the room is very tall but not much floor space, especially with 4 cats who are always in there.
  3. Because of my fibro pain and stiffness I try to put it up early and do a little at a time on the decorations, which means it can take me weeks just to decorate the INSIDE of the house! Give me a week and I should have the tree up and start the rest of the decorating after that. Yes we will still have Thanksgiving, we just have it with the tree up because it doesn't give me enough time to do everything if I wait until after Thanksgiving. I use to do everything at 90 mph but arthritis slows you WAY down. Happy Holidays everyone!
  4. The Neurontin will only help with the pain. It doesn't do anything to stop or decrease muscle spasms. With me having fibromyalgia and other arthritis issues I pretty much have continuous, 24/7 muscle spasms all over my body. I do take Neurontin and Advil for pain at least 4 times a day. The only thing that SLIGHTLY lessens my muscle spasms is the muscle relaxer I take and personally I think it is kind of weak. It's called Robaxin and I have to take it everyday 3-4 times a day and it barely helps. Get them under control asap because the spasms and the pain create a cycle that can make things mu
  5. I just noticed 3 of them. However, 2 of them are in even more trouble for giving false names.
  6. It told me that the database for search would be back up in 10 minutes. Edit: It has now come up for search but I can't figure out which active inmate/s you are referring to.
  7. LOL Start selling it! Seriously. If you want to take up crafts, then Michael's Craft Store do teach classes on different types of crafts.
  8. On what date does the advance (not early) voting start?
  9. You might want to seek out a second opinion from an endodontist especially if a general dentist performed the root canal. I have had 5 root canals and some dental surgery over the years. The only bad root canal and crown I have ever received was from a general dentist and I eventually lost a molar from it. DON'T TAKE THE RISK! I will never have a general dentist perform a root canal again. The infection you have will cause the tooth to need more time to heal but after a good root canal the only thing you should be feeling is some aching from it, NOT hot and cold pain. I've been there in this t
  10. Here is the link to the Ga Dept of Natural Resources to a page listing what you can burn. http://www.georgiaair.org/airpermit/html/planningsupport/openburning/Whatyoucanburnpage.htm One of the very first lines on the page states: "The following is a list of those types of open burning that are legal in the state of Georgia. Please note that the burning of garbage or lumber, even in a burn barrel is illegal." I am sure that the reason why is because of the chemicals that are released into the air. Not smoke but actual chemicals that are harmful and could be considered toxic to breathe
  11. American Wrecker in Dallas They have a flatbed truck and babied my mustang. I was told they will also tow around the metro Atlanta area.
  12. msgastorm


    This is a big change considering that recently we were under a total burn ban due to a drought still in the area. I did notice it said no fires after dark, possibly because still smoldering embers can reignite a fire in the middle of the night when no one is paying attention.
  13. msgastorm


    Check this link at Paulding.gov Marshals Office FAQ. Scroll down to Fire Dept. then click on "#2 Is outdoor burning permitted"? http://www.paulding.gov/FAQ.aspx 2. Is outdoor burning permitted? From May 1 to September 30, the State of Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) issues a burn ban which prohibits all outdoor burning in Paulding County. You may direct questions or comments concerning the burn ban to the EPD. From October 1 until April 30, however, citizens may burn natural wood products under the following guidelines: For all commercial burning (a
  14. Seven is one of my all time favorites but I consider it more of a suspense movie than horror. I guess everyone has an individual definition of what horror is. I know when I was younger I couldn't watch ANYTHING even remotely considered a horror movie, now my husband and I laugh at most of them.
  15. AGG I seen this on your FB status the other day and I couldn't help but giggle with her! She is like a giggley bundle of cuteness! Stop it, you are making me want one and I wouldn't be able to keep up with one! You know I am kidding and really love all of her pics that you post. Sending you a hug. Edited to add: Watch her eyebrows as she is watching you.
  16. My answer is not up there either. Both feet have to be under a sheet or under a sheet and a cover. Both the sheet and cover MUST be tucked in at the foot of the bed. ALSO, I MUST have socks on and the room must be cool or for some reason I can't fall asleep. The only time I am without socks is during bathing or when wearing heels or sandals. I can sleep nude but I must have socks on. (I know TMI lol) ALSO, in my bedroom I must run either a portable AC (in addition to the central HVAC) or a cool mist humidifier. Did I mention that I am slightly OCD??
  17. The one horror movie that scares the heck out of me is an older one called The Entity. It's supposedly a true story about a woman who experiences paranormal rape for decades. She eventually gets help through some paranormal researchers who document it on film and they freeze "the entity" using a ton of liquid nitrogen. I cannot watch the whole movie in one sitting, I have to watch it a little at a time. My favorites are the entire Hellraiser series of films and for funny/quirky I have to say The Witches of Eastwick. I laughed so much the first time I seen that one. I know there are a lot o
  18. I need a computer repair shop too. My laptop suddenly will not boot up. This started the other day after a McAfee update that needed a reboot. I had a very nice extended warranty and service contract through Dell but it expired 6/12, wouldn't you know it! I have too many pics of loved ones who have passed away on my hard drive. If someone can tell me of a reliable place who won't accidentally erase my hard drive I would appreciate it.
  19. Since you have the tag number and witnessed this, then I would call the Sheriff's office non-emergency number and report this. Maybe they will have time to speak with whomever the vehicle is registered. It couldn't hurt and might save a life. 770-445-2117
  20. You put an indoor only cat out on the porch? You do realize that we will get down to 43 the next 2 nights and that a cat's normal body temp is between 100-102 degrees? It's hard for them to maintain that kind of temperature when outdoors. If you have internet then can't you email the cat's picture to someone who can upload the picture to Paulding.com? I already have 4 adult indoor only cats so I can't take her.
  21. I seen those last night at the Dallas Walmart and they also had refill packages. I am curious about it but so far my handheld portable inhaler has worked well. Please let us know how well it works for you.
  22. If you are at the intersection of East Paulding Drive and Hwy 381 then take Hwy 381 towards Acworth. About 1/4 mile from the intersection there is an auto service place on the right and then just down from it is Rodney's on the right. Rodney's is across the street from the little building where Judo is taught They have some of the best barbecue around and I agree about the green beans as they taste like my grandmother's did!
  23. The Sawmill Gravy is basically how I make Sausage Gravy. It's very good as long as you don't use too much of the leftover grease. Hoe Cakes are basically homemade tortillas. The first recipe kind of sounds like a veggie quiche'.
  24. I believe you are referring to the same day I was referring to. There were 3 KNOWN tornadoes to come through Paulding that day. I say known because actual funnel clouds touching the ground were seen. There were many other areas, where these funnels were not seen, that also had damage that could have been down bursts, micro bursts, or possibly even smaller "finger" tornado funnels that branch off a larger funnel. One of these large funnels came down next to Paulding County High School while we were in the halls. Later we were allowed to leave. I had just gotten off the school bus at home, I liv
  25. I know for a fact around April or May of either 84' or 85' there were THREE that touched down in Paulding in one afternoon! I was in high school at the time.
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