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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Is your document a MS Word document or a MS One Note document? That is going to make a difference in which program you need to open it. I have never used the One Note program but I have it on my computer as part of my MS Office set of programs. I just opened the One Note program for the first time and got sort of the same message you did. The program had to configure itself for a first time use.
  2. It's not your everyday variety of staph. It is a staph bacteria that has become antibiotic resistant. More than likely it is MRSA or Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It has been slowly increasing in number of cases for well more than a decade. Here is some info from WebMd: http://www.webmd.com...lococcus-aureus A typical mild staph infection doesn't eat away at tissue like this. My dad once had a staph infection on his legs. It looked and itched exactly like mosquito bites but they were taking much longer to heal and they were trying to spread. His doctor figured out it was
  3. What parts of North Paulding? Do they deliver as far as East Paulding Drive?
  4. It seems like there was a news story a few months ago about a woman who "accidentally" put her infant into one. It turned out that the woman was high and thought she was putting her laundry into the washer. These front load washers will eventually start having locks on them, much like the locks that freezers and refrigerators have now.
  5. Also reuniting with his brother Andy. My heart goes out to the family and the last remaining brother. RIP Robin.
  6. I heard on tonight's news that she has now lost both hands. I believe she has been receiving treatment in a bariatric chamber? I have read before that this bacteria is more frequently caught in hospitals, gyms, jails, showers at pools, etc. Keep any cuts you have covered. A friend of my dad's in S. Carolina caught it on their back and lost a lot of their skin and some of the muscle from having it cut out. Thankfully they were able to stop the infection. This girl is definitely in my prayers.
  7. I was referring to the guy that kissed him. An unwanted physical contact in the U.S. would be considered assault. Is it not the same in Moscow? If so then why hasn't the guy that kissed him been charged?
  8. We are off the New Hope end of East Paulding and have power. Thank the Lawd for that because we have no ac other than portable units right now, so this house is already extremely hot without the power going out too. Although, I do remember the power doing a long blink/pause around that time earlier.
  9. This is crazy! In the U.S. it would be considered assault. Is it not in Moscow?
  10. It depends upon your bank. My husband has an ATM ONLY card through BOA. He purposely requested it and does not want a debit card. I frequently use my debit card, but this topic has convinced me to switch and start using my credit card. It's ridiculous that we should have to resort to such tactics in order to protect our own money!
  11. Those are also the symptoms of mild dehydration and heat exaustion. Have you been out in the heat or gotten too hot doing something? Are you running a fever? I agree with Starr & Dru's. If you are still feeling this way in the morning then get to the doctor right away because you might need Tamiflu. Tamiflu needs to be started within the first couple of days to work as well as possible. If you get worse during the night then you might want to consider a trip to the ER. I hope you feel better very soon.
  12. I bet she NEVER forgets you guys! Maybe she will write about you in her blog?
  13. We loved Destin and the Back Porch restaurant. However, that was the only time we have visited Destin. I know the restaurant was packed with a 45 minute wait on Saturday evening and it tasted great to us.
  14. This EXACT same thing happened to us last year. Obviously it was a meter reading mistake. We took a pic of the meter reading, current bill and 2 previous months bills before it, to the water dept. and they adjusted it correctly. It's just a hassle to go through all of that when you didn't cause the mess up in the first place.
  15. Or you can simply adopt a dog or a cat and let them sleep with you!
  16. My husband plays with Siri. For a little while he had her calling him "Papa Smurf the Beast Master", what he didn't know was that I was called Smurfette in highschool! I told him she should be calling him "Fat Bastar_" which is a nickname he and some buddies throw around.
  17. LR, I don't know about current outages but the one this morning occured about 8am and lasted about an hour. I am off East Paulding Dr. in New Hope and everytime ours goes out I will call. I have the regular and emergency numbers programmed in my cell phone. I have called about 20 minutes into an outage before and discovered that NO ONE in my neighborhood had called at all, so Greystone had no report! This was before the new meters but I guess everyone just assumed that Greystone knew about the outage.
  18. I found an online link that gives the address, phone number and info on a few upcoming auctions. I am sure the items listed for upcoming auctions is incomplete. I purchased my solid pecan diningroom set complete with 2 buffets and a tea cart at an auction in SC that I use to frequent. I LOVE auctions! Although it has been years since I attended one. I will have to check this one out. http://www.auctionzip.com/GA-Auctioneers/196519.html
  19. Would they consider it advertisement? Well you can PM it to me then. Several of us on P.com are also on FB, so we can share it on there.
  20. I feel like that song is one of the most awesome rock ballads ever! It's one of my favorite songs. Hey Scottie, when your internet radio is back up and running you should post us a link on P.com.
  21. My dad's water has always tasted fine too, nice and sweet. They also have a beautiful creek that runs next to the house. Please be safe and have the water drawn from the sink tested.
  22. No. Arsenic is something I would have remembered. Thanks for playing though! LOL
  23. ALWAYS have your well water tested for pathogens every few years. My father's well water has always given me severe heartburn (flared my acid reflux) every time I would drink even 1/2 a glass when visiting. I kept telling him he needed to have it tested. A few years later my stepmother developed kidney cancer and lost her kidney. Her doctor suggested they have the well water tested. Dad didn't think it was necessary to spend the extra money because he didn't think anything was wrong with their well water. Eventually they did have it tested and it is very high in a particular pathogen that occu
  24. Officially the super full moon is SATURDAY night at 11:35pm. Here is the other topic on P.com about it. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/287539-super-full-moon-alert-make-it-count/
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