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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Class of 87' was supposed to have a "40 year birthday party" as posted on classmates.com, but I never heard any further planning (date, place, etc.)
  2. I would think this would be the home owners responsibility, not the renter.
  3. LMAO! If you guys can do it then we can do it too, we just can't shoot it out 4 feet in any direction!
  4. When is it in Atlanta? They have both always been favorites of mine.
  5. You too hun! You seem like a very nice person, very open. I didn't even work on my laptop or read my magazine because we were talking so much! I knew I would like you No rain on my way home, but the clouds appeared to be building. I hope you made your nail appointment. Take care. Hugs.
  6. I have lived here all my life and I have always seen reports of people drowning in Lake Allatoona and MANY were because of the UNDER CURRENTS that exist in that lake! Not because the person couldn't swim, or because they may or may not be drunk, it was simply because the under current pulled them under and they couldn't make it back up in time or it kept them pushed down to the bottom of the current. In several spots on that lake you do not have to swim out very far for an under current to hit you. So be careful!
  7. I am headed over there in a few with hubby's truck. I hope I can find it as the google and mapquest sites weren't a big help. Anyone with specific directions? Their website directions were a bit confusing when coming from 278.
  8. More storms are moving in. These should not be as intense as those earlier this evening.
  9. Looks like we may have some more coming in from the Huntsville area.
  10. This has been my internet name since 98, so I guess I will keep it.
  11. We are about to get slammed with a major storm line moving in from Polk. One of my cats is already in the hall!
  12. Try Domestications.com. I have ordered from them alot. I could have sworn our king measured 84x82 or 84x84? Maybe I am just too tired to think tonight.
  13. I was across the street at ChickFilA watching and the show this year was HUGE! Just the show cars filled the parking lots of Wendy's and 2 banks. The lookers had to park in the Publix parking lot. I could have sworn I seen a red Viper pull in for about an hour. It was gone later as I left Home Depot. I was too tired to walk through 3 parking lots of cars but I do love me some horse power. Very nice show.
  14. My treatment so far has been pain meds: was Ultram now Lyrica; an antidepressant: I was recently changed to Cymbalta, been on it several months and it is a great help; and Ambien for sleep. I also frequently take ibuprofen for the inflammation that we aren't "supposed" to have, and I see a chiropractor once a week which helps greatly with reducing muscle spasms. Suprisingly my OB/GYN recommends birth control pills for her fibro patients. She says the simple "mono-cyclic" birth control pills provide a steady hormone flow that will help with fibromyalgia as opposed to the ups & downs of
  15. My stepmom had BOTH hands done and she is glad she did it. She still has some pain off/on but no where near as bad as before. She also has fibromyalgia pain. I use to be a medical transcriptionist and I have typed since I was 9. I use to type 72 wpm, so my carpal tunnel is pretty bad, it started getting bad about 11 years ago. I may also have some kind of other nerve pain in my hands and my feet because they both will swell with pulsing pain on occasion. My rheumatologist switched me to Cymbalta, an antidepressant, because it is supposed to help fibromyalgia pain. It help the fibro pain a
  16. We use to pick gallons of them as a kid in a patch near the house I grew up in. Enough for cobblers and blackberry jams, etc. I always used 1/4 cup bleach in a whole tub full of water to get rid of them. Just soak for a few minutes and remember not to use colored towels or bath rugs around the water. BTW, we use to make something we called the Purple Cow from the berries. Blackberries with milk and vanilla ice cream combined in a blender for a shake consistency. Very good.
  17. I picked out a ring, minus the center stone, from Jared's in Kennesaw and ordered a darn near perfect marquise diamond from Blue Nile online. They express ship their jewelry and stones WITH full insurance and let you decide if you want to keep it or return it. My center stone also is GIA certified and the certificate number is engraved on the edge of the stone. You can only see it under 10-30x manification. We then took the stone to an independant appraiser who appraised it and drew a map of the only tiny feather flaw in the diamond (basically a tiny piece of dust). He said he had to bring the
  18. Awww what a good friend he must be! LOL (psst where is the yard sale?)
  19. After work go get your shopping done, then go home and have a bottle of wine with a long bubble bath while waiting on daughters labor. It will be your last one for a long time! LOL Congratulations!
  20. Is no one able to help me with this question? TIA
  21. When we were kids my Mom use to take us out to lake Ramona off Nebo. Do they still let you fish there?
  22. Flashing lights like strobe lights. Looking upward too long (neck injury thing). Too hot, waiting too long to eat, not enough sleep, once a month hormone changes, sometimes too much sunshine making me squint and such. Sometimes I will get what I refer to as "brain bouncing" migraines that hurt to move. When you walk you feel like your brain is bouncing and pulsing. I have to stay in bed in a dark, cool room for sometimes up to 3 days when those occur. I have had those type of headaches since I was 19. I am now 40.
  23. Where do we take household items and clothing to donate to Shepards Rest? Will they send a truck out to pickup if you have furniture and such too?
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