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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Thank you, but I only told this so that parents may understand that door locks don't always provide protection and sometimes their child may not know what to do.
  2. No kids at my house, so I couldn't answer the poll. This is the same routine I have had for years. This doesn't always work. From the time I was 8 until my 20s I had 2 separate female friends I would sometimes spend the night with. BOTH of them had brothers and the brothers always tried different things to "peek" at me or worse. They would try or do everything from sliding mirrors up under the doors, to picking the locks. Eventually I stopped visiting for more than 1 night at a time so that I could shower before I came over and never at their houses. I never felt comfortabl
  3. Hmmmm...I will keep that in mind!
  4. LMAO! Little Big Town - Boondocks
  5. I need a huge one done in glow in the dark paint for the people who come through my backyard after 11pm!
  6. I have had my cell phone wallet stolen in South Padre island while visiting a few years ago. Cell phone, social security card, credit cards, drivers license (and I needed to drive back to GA), money, etc. was gone. I noticed it gone immediately and I had everything canceled within 20 minutes by using hubby's cell phone. I had my cell phone disconnected IMMEDIATELY but yet when I received my bill the next month several Brownsville, TX #'s were on it. Apparently Cingular had cut my phone back on for a few days! I have no idea why they did, but the #'s on the phone bill were given to the police d
  7. You should also file a police report with complete description, just in case. You never know when someone might be jailed for something else and have your property on them. Crooks are stupid! Sending you hugs.
  8. Me either. I never do for 2-3 nights around a full moon. My insomnia will get much worse and sometimes I will be SHOPPING at Wally World in the middle of the night during them or working on a project around the house all night. I think it makes my mind too hyper or something? If the moon can affect our oceans and even a womens cycle, then surely it can affect our brains too.
  9. I hope you feel better soon IH2D. Where is HP lately?
  10. I broke one of mine with a severe case of bronchitis once. I actually "heard" and felt the pop at the same time. Even after a hot shower the pain wouldn't go away and it was MUCH harder to breathe, so I had my hubby take me to the ER (thankfully he was home).The ER doc said that it was actually not all that uncommon! That was a bad Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  11. Did you really "crack" or fracture them or do they need an adjustment like my chiropractor does mine? They can get out of line just like your spine. If you have really fractured them that many times then you may REALLY need some calcium and vitamin D supplements! Haha!
  12. Ok, so he is the weight of a bowling ball. He still weighs less than my largest 2 yr old cat! LMAO Maybe a chew toy that doesn't taste like you?
  13. Awww. He wuvs you and wants your undivided attention! My only female cat does it too. Whether I am on the computer or phone she gets jealous and thinks I should ONLY pay attention to HER! She will go as far as putting her tail in my face or nipping my fingers. I am trying to break her of this.
  14. I had gotten a card in the mail but forgot, is it the 30th or 31st? I am planning to go to.
  15. Thank you but the beetle is long gone and the cats are fine. Nice to know for in the future though.
  16. The lady in GA that won tickets but couldn't get a flight to LA before 6pm said during an interview that the tickets are nontransferrable and require a picture ID. Even if someone were to bid that much for a ticket they wouldn't be able to use it.
  17. Ohhhhh wow! Congrats! It is nice to hear of some good news for a change. My hubby let me pick my ring too for the same reasons, I am picky, but he was wonderful about it.
  18. After reading this earlier, I found a stink bug in my living room that one of my cats was trying to catch. Somebody jinxed me!
  19. Usually the freshest bait will be found in one of those little shops near the lake.
  20. Yep! In Dallas Walmart eggbeaters is by the eggs and live bait is beside of the ammo. I kid you not!
  21. I think there is a 12am curfew for anyone under 18. It's probably not reinforced very much.
  22. I also have a bad back, hip, fibro pain, etc. I use the wet jet most of the time but for heavy mopping I LOVE the Mr. Clean Eraser mop. The roller/wringer lever is set into the mop handle and easy to use. It works great on my white linoleum but I don't think it is supposed to be used on wood floors. Might want to read the lable and see. I usually get them at Target. (We've used our Wet Jet for about a year with 4 cats and I have never seen them licking the floor. We use the orange scented antibacterial Wet Jet solution.)
  23. Your link is defective but I found it. http://www.ymcapass.com/nfy.shtml Thank you! There is also another indoor pool on Macland that is part of the Cobb Co. Parks & Recreation. This may help those that are closer to it.
  24. Either a stink bug or a "spider cricket" that are around this area. If you don't want to pick it up and don't want to hurt it, then use a paper or plastic disposable cup to get him into, put your hand over it as you are going to the door and fling him out. I've done this many times!
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