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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. Is Marietta ON the 4th or another weekend?
  2. If you don't want to spend alot then go camping at Alatoona or Lake Weiss in AL. If not then maybe Myrtle Beach or Tybee Island? Myrtle Beach has the Hard Rock amusement park and the go-cart racing, along with fishing and I think wave runner rentals. Oh BTW, you can get some nice fireworks in AL or SC that illegal here but legal there. I am sure the boys will enjoy something like that. We will be at my Dad's lake lot in AL doing the cookout and fireworks thing. Have fun!
  3. I have never taken Celexa but I have a long history of antidepressants that I take for body pain and moderate depression. I started on amitriptylmine in 2000 for about a year, then Paxil XR for 2 years before the effectiveness of it wore off, it was great for anxiety but left me really tired all the time. Then I tried Lexapro for 6 weeks and it did nothing but make me cry. I went from Lexapro to Effexor XR and took it for 3.5 years. Effexor was GREAT for happiness and energy but sometimes I was too hyper and talked too much on it. Then in February my Rheumatologist's physician's assistant sugg
  4. I am going to try a cool bath with some of SoapMom's sweet smelling soaps. I have fallen in love with her products. Later HP.
  5. I've got to do a couple of things and take my meds. Maybe getting off here with some tv in the dark will help. Good night all and sweet dreams.
  6. Not yet. My rheumatologist has been treating it for several years now because I also have chronic pain, etc. from fibromyalgia. Now I am starting to have joint problems. I have tried upteen times, for weeks each time, over several years to "reset" my clock but it just doesn't work for me. It just causes me to lose a ton of sleep which causes more pain and I still want to sleep in the day. Those sleep clinics monitor you overnight while sleeping and wake you up at 6am. I don't even usually get to sleep until 4-8am! Ironically all through childhood and as a teenager I was in bed at 10 and up by
  7. Chamomile? I love it with honey but it does nothing for making me sleep. I take Ambien CR & Advil PM every night and some nights this happens! I can't sleep at night for some reason.
  8. I am here but really tired. I was awake all night and day except for a nap today. I should be snoozing now.
  9. I thought these days laptops were required in classes to take notes etc.?
  10. I think she is after Mr. Charlie Brown but I am not sure why. LOL
  11. I got my sample package Saturday and IMMEDIATELY ran bath water to soak in! I didn't think I would like the Blackberry Sage as I usually only like sage if it's in food but I tried it and fell in love. Unfortunately it appears to be sold out online this weekend so I will keep looking. The Green Clover & Aloe has a nice clean scent without being too heavy and the Persephone/pomegranate smells good enough to eat! I was worried about the oils used in the soaps as I have VERY oily skin but they are not oily and didn't leave an oily residue, just nice and soft! I halved everything I received t
  12. I need to do some stuff around the house. Later all. Good night & sweet dreams.
  13. So now it's time to listen to some happy songs? Get your happy dance going! LOL
  14. It's not just you. Some songs I can't listen to because of painful memories. I've had other people tell me this too.
  15. Hiya Marc. Doing fine. How are you guys?
  16. I always LMAO at Meg Ryan's line in that movie "take me to bed honey or lose me forever!"
  17. Hmmmm...seems like a remember a certain movie with a scene where that song was sang in a bar before? LOL Have fun hun.
  18. So what are you singing HP? Love Me Tender, Jailhouse Rock or Heartbreak Hotel? LOL
  19. Nahhh...I am just home alone tonight and being goofy. At least hubby was home for the weekend.
  20. I think I started it...sorry.
  21. and a couple of our guys in speedos in a jello filled kiddie pool? LMAO
  22. Hmmm...I am thinking Pubby dressed as a clown complete with rainbow wig and makeup! At least the makeup will double as sunscreen.
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