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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. We have used Cook's Pest Control for years to come out once a month and spray around the perimeter of the house and treat ant hills. They usually do a good job of keeping pests out of the house but this spring and summer I have seen ALL sorts of bugs and spiders coming INSIDE the house. My strictly indoor cats are freaking out every day at something new. I guess I need to call them. Yes, all my doors and windows stay closed except for when I leave through the garage for all of 30 seconds. LOL
  2. This sounds EXACTLY like what my Toshiba laptop done about 4 years ago. Fortunately it was still under the extended warranty that I had purchased directly from Toshiba. Unfortunately the closest location for an authorized repair center was all the way in Sandy Springs. Obviously this place knew what they were doing though because their business was hopping with customers when I took it in and picked it up. It was ready in 2 days and it turned out to be the motherboard AND the hard drive. My fan was staying on all the time so yes I also assumed it was the fan, but the fan was fine. The Toshiba
  3. It's storming here in New Hope now, but radar shows that it is small.
  4. I thought the party for JohnBoy & CC were combined at the same location? Dude your body will be embalmed from all that alcohol soon! LOL
  5. HP did you go to CC's party? CC did you have a good time? I am watching War of the Worlds 2. The heat got to me this afternoon so I came home.
  6. UH OH! What have you been thinking about now?
  7. My triglycerides are over 300 and no meds, just told me to change my diet. The thing is I don't eat that bad because my grandmother died with heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Now my Mom is starting to have the same problems. The same doctor put my hubby on Lipitor instantly when his came back high, so I don't get it.
  8. OMG LOL! I was out running errands & felt like I was melting. Finally got home about an hour ago. AC is going full blast and feels good!
  9. Pubby we still just celebrate our original anniversary. Alot of people choose to renew their vows ON their anniversary, but we didnt. I guess it is up to you whether or not to celebrate two anniversaries.
  10. Congratulations to BOTH of you Subby! I know from personal experience that renewing your vows seems to bring you much closer and remind you of what your marriage is really all about, your love for each other. We renewed ours in a park near Pigeon Forge on 7/7/7. It was just us, a preacher, the photographer, and a hawk watching our ceremony, above us from it's tree! I will never forget that hawk. We have some awsome outdoor pictures the photographer took and a marriage license especially written for vow renewals. Yes things will seem a little closer between the two of you afterwards. To some m
  11. Yeah but we are also sitting on almost solid rock, so how can they dig into that? Like I said the builder had to dynamite just to put our basement in. We probably shouldn't use dynamite that close to the house and the water/septic lines, just to put a pool in.
  12. You guys are making me want a pool so badly AGAIN. I've been wanting one for years and I found out that with my Dr.'s prescription I could probably write part of the cost off on taxes as a medical device/treatment for a condition. HOWEVER, when our builder put the basement in for our house they had to use dynamite! So we are assuming building a pool in the back yard while we are sitting on solid rock and in a subdivision is probably a no go. An above ground pool is also a no go since the front and back yard are one HUGE hill that our house sits upon. So I gave up on the idea a few years ago.
  13. I did not say you had to go back to school. I was saying that maybe working on something you want for yourself would help. For ME it was going back to school. You said you have wanted to work on your writing, so I suggested that. I feel like I am beating my head against a wall and I need to rest, or try too. Both of you please take care & sweet dreams.
  14. When I went back to school I was unemployed and NOT living with my parents. My unemployment counselor suggested that I go full time and I could still receive my benefits and Hope would pay for it, so that's what I did. The Hope grant paid for almost all tuition and books and that money doesn't really depend on your grades. The Hope scholarship does though. Your writing sounds like another type of goal to me. Forget girls temporarily except as "just friends" and put your energy into something you want to do. This is one example of what you want to do.
  15. Do you have an interest in returning to school or are you a student? This would be the perfect time for it. It would give you something else to work towards in life for YOURSELF. That what I finally did in my late 20s. I had HAD IT with all the dang players who seemed to find me, I attracted them like a magnet and I wasn't that type of girl. I gave up my apartment, found a roommate and went back to school. All though it was just technical college at least I was working towards something in my life instead of just supporting myself and "waiting for Mr. Right". You know what I mean? Two months a
  16. If you were "just a friend" to them then why did they accept a date with you? I always knew really fast if someone was just a friend to me and would say so, otherwise that's just leading someone on and wasting both your time.
  17. Even if she's seeing someone SO WHAT?! If she isn't serious with the other person and likes you enough then she will go out with you. As long as she isn't married then it isn't too late to ask. LOL
  18. If you "keep moving on" and "date them all" then you may wait until it's too late or you may get passed up for being too much of ladies man.
  19. Sorry I just seen a statement, not a question. If it's about the girl, you will never know unless you ask. The longer you wait the more you may be increasing your chances that it's too late. Time waits for no one and it's slipping by.
  20. HIYA ALL! So HP what's the question?
  21. OH YEAH! Beautiful place and Gatlinburg has a nice "1st 4th of July Parade". Every year on the night of the 3rd/4th it occurs at exactly 12 a.m. on the 4th. Best chocolate fudge with pecans that I ever ate was during that parade 5 years ago. Then on the night of the 4th Dollywood in Pigeon Forge has beautiful fireworks that have SHAPES in them. I forgot the name of it but there is an outdoor theatre in Cherokee that features a play about the Trail of Tears. My Dad & I cried at the end of it. That's the only time I have ever seen my Dad cry.
  22. msgastorm


    Chiggers like to get in the body crevices, underarms, thighs, ankles etc. and they will look like a little red spot that itches like crazy. Use 1/4 to 1/2 cup bleach in a very full tub of water and soak for 10 minutes, this will kill them and when they are dead the itching will stop. Do NOT get bleach water into the eyes or ears or on colored towels! LOL I have had alot of experience with them from blackberry picking as a kid. True hives may just be a red patch or a red patch with raised spots and itchy. Oral Benadryl, Benadryl stick and cortisone cream should help. In my case I take Zyrt
  23. Happy Birthday Curtis and Johnboy! Combined with the fireworks there will be a mob in Hiram Saturday night.
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