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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. Sitck with your modem but add a router in order to connect three more devices. I've got a Linksys and it is working great. Mine is an older model but the E1200 should work well for you. Amazon has them for about $50.00.
  2. Would one of the mods please correct the title for me?
  3. I sing in two Barbershop Harmony Society choruses in the Atlanta area. Both choruses have shows coming up for the holiday season and I invite you to attend an excellent performance. The Big Chicken Chorus' 2011 Christmas show, Silver Bells, will celebrate their 25th anniversary as a chapter in the Barbershop Harmony Society! The show features: The Big Chicken Chorus South Cobb High School Youth Chorus Special Guests - Song of Atlanta (Saturday 7:30pm show Only) Quartets: 129 and Counting Martha's Finest Next Wave Quartet Saturday December 10th @ 3:00 and
  4. A guarantee simply says they will put you in a cabin of the class you booked or better. Go for it.
  5. True, but, what scares me is when I catch myself being lazy in my speaking and writing of English. It can become a bad habit if I am not careful.
  6. Those 10% work very hard for what they have; they should keep their own money. Focus on creating your own wealth. The class envy stuff paraded by the Democrat party is not only divisive, it is also destructive. It creates an even greater entitlement mentality in those who think that they deserve more without having to work for it.
  7. Many people butcher the English language because they have not been taught how to speak it properly. The inability of far too many to speak and write correct English does not speak well for our education system.
  8. The lame-stream media will do everything they can to support P-BO. Let's hope that those who think and vote outnumber the left wing sheep.
  9. I think it is even more eye opening. The left was sure that the Pubs were repsonsible for the smear. Now we learn that at the helm is our beloved (yeck) P-BO and his crooked administration.
  10. http://www.port-canaveral-cruising.com/snooze_cruise.htm
  11. I understand. PIng when you are ready for our lunch date.
  12. Carol, I have some friends who live in Pensacola who may be able to give you some ideas or help re agents. Just ask. Lunch?
  13. It sure is sounding like the P-BO administration has a hand in this mess.
  14. We don't know if the stiff in our White House is "perfectly moral" or not. We do know that he and his advisers have no idea how to jump-start the economy. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that P-BO and most of his advisers have zero private sector experience. I do believe that Cain is being smeared because he is doing well in the polls.
  15. You know, another OWS protester demonstrates complete ignorance, you know. I doubt it, you know. I figure she is a typical Democrat who voted for, you know, 0bama, expecting him to pay for her mortgage and her gas. By the way, this should be in the political forum.
  16. I confess to being completely and hopelessly enchanted by the fairer sex.
  17. About 10 years ago, I hit a deer with my car at this time of year. It leapt out of nowhere right in front of me. I hit it with the right front bumper and the deer flew into a ditch and then ran off. Fortunately, my car, a 1967 Olds 442, was unblemished. What a nerve racking experience that was.
  18. I kinda like the chick - she's always pretty and makes me keep my eyes open.
  19. I avoid CNN for just that reason. I enjoy certain Fox commentators and Fox and Friends in the morning with my coffee.
  20. I had 400 at my back door. My wife wanted the house so we bought it. We split 4 years later and put the house on the market. It took four years to sell and sold for 60K less than we had in it. Part of that was because Marta was going to come up 400 into Sandy Springs and we would have been "impacted". Obviously,w e were impacted. Marta was useless to deal with. Never buy anywhere near a highway.
  21. Sounds like you. Maybe lazitis has set in.Get a job.
  22. That's not right. Call the bank and complain about the obvious error.
  23. Transfer from account to account? What type of transfer?? I'm with the IBM Credit Union and no gotchas in five years.
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