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Everything posted by HardwareDJ

  1. Thought this was a suggestion box? Seems a lot of people like to suggest how others should live their life.
  2. This is really nothing new. Your license information is already stored anyway. In the past they/we use to have to manually enter the license plate information into the NCIC computer or call it into the station and have them do it. It would give us the registered owner of the car, address and any wants or warrants. So what is the big deal? :unsure: Has no one watched the show "parking wars" on A&E. I fail to see how this violates anyone's rights especially since this sort of thing has been going on since since the golden age of the computers.
  3. I can not understand why some people insist on telling others how to live their life simply because they do not agree with the way the other person lives their own life.
  4. Thought they already went out of business? :unsure:
  5. The part I really do not understand is why do these people believe they are actually talking with a underage child? Are there really that many underage children that do that stuff that makes them believe it is for real? They can't seriously believe that some 13 year old boy or girl is going to want to have sex with them. I realize that kids mature a lot quicker these days but seriously.
  6. That is what happens when you sell out to the lowest bidder.
  7. I thought you found the love of your life and was going to be getting married? again.
  8. I love how people in the US like to telling others how to live their life but do not like it if someone else tells them how to live their life.
  9. They have a rule about how you should eat your pop tart? It is the same old excuse of "zero tolerance" which translates to zero common sense.
  10. There are pros/cons either way. But the question is when would you pack? Would you wait till you have an offer on the current house? Can you afford to make 2 mortgages payments if your house does not sell straight away? If you put the house on the market now furnished you would then have to no show the house for several days/week so you can get everything packed and moved out of the house. If you have most stuff already out and the house already in a "show" condition then I would go ahead and put it on the market now. That gives you more time with it as a listing. Then you can
  11. Something does not smell right. IF you have 12 years left on your existing mortgage why would you not be able to go through regular refinancing channels? There should be plenty of equity in the house to refinance the existing loan.
  12. This is why American States should not rely on the American federal government to fund things in the American States. They can take it away any time they want.
  13. Well durrrrrrr, your American tax holiday is over. Now your income has gone back to the way it was 2 years ago with the normal SS taxes. People got use to spending the extra money now they have to do without.
  14. Flavor Flav. I love that guy. That show was a riot. One of the girls in the first episode was so drunk she took a crap on the floor. You know its going to be a great show when that happens. He went through 3 seasons then decided to go with some girl who was not even on the show he met after finishing the 3rd season. That was after he had already made a final pick. He was laughing all the way to the bank. Then there was the spin off "I love New York". More good comedy.
  15. How desperate does a person have to be to go on national tv just to find "love". They all have ulterior reasons for doing the show. Fame and money being the first. The next question would be just how many "black" contestants are there to start with in proportion to the white candidates? The producers have to filter through the applicants and find the ones that have a shot and also can cause some drama. After all it is a ratings show.
  16. So because he voted off the only black girl that suddenly makes her a token black??? Maybe he just did not feel a connection to her.
  17. If it really mattered that much I am sure BET could do their own version of the Bachlorette. They could have the ghetto version.
  18. LOL, if you think the priests of the Catholic church take a vow of poverty you really do not know anything about the Catholic church, they are rolling in the dough and laughing all the way to the bank. There is really very few "mainstream" religions that take a vow of poverty.
  19. Anyone have any experience with a Maaco paint service? Somehow I just don't see getting a $300 paint job on a vehicle as a good thing. Sort of like a $99 brake job. I bet there is all sorts of "extra" fees. One of my vehicles as some minor front quarter panel damage and I figured I could probably find some replacement parts in a junk yard and change them myself. But I would need to get the vehicle painted. It is a 04 so I am sure there is going to be some sort of paint fading so more then likely it would require a whole vehicle paint job. Or I could just file an insurance
  20. It's the same shiot, only the names have changed.
  21. Just because they offer all the channel packages does not mean you have to take the one with the most channels. You have an option of a basic package. Before I decided what package I wanted I had a realistic talk with myself on just how much TV I would actually watch. The answer was very little so I went with the basic package. We watch about 3 hours of TV a week at my house and that includes the entire family viewing time. Most shows you can get on XfinityTV anyway.
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