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Everything posted by MissSophie

  1. Your kids wash their hands? My grandkids "pretend" they wash their hands.
  2. DD and granddaughters spend the night. We started with biscuits from Grands; a great time at church and then Aspens for brunch; my first time and I am still full - WONDERFUL!!! And great presents and very funny cards. They gave me a bucking bronco cowboy dude - well, a picture of one!!
  3. Our church honored us all today - how great to recognize those who have passed on; and those who want to be moms. It sure touched my heart. And I like to also remember those dads who are in the position to have to play the mom role at times.
  4. Definitely a heavy movie; I really liked it and I love all three main actors!
  5. Not sure how I missed it on the radio; but we didn't get notice until Thursday! Oh well, I was able to help but could have done a bit more.
  6. mIne was already picked up; but I hope that next year, they give us more notice!
  7. May God give comfort and peace to you and yours; so sorry.
  8. Oh no. Prayers for comfort and strength. Was this a car accident? I just can't imagine the pain of losing a child of this age; well, I don't know that any age makes it less painful. May God use his comforting arms for this family.
  9. Thanks! I think I may have to pay a visit this coming weekend!
  10. I keep hearing about how wonderful it is; but not sure where it is located. Is it right there at the intersection at 92? Thanks
  11. As the saying goes; I worked late at the office. I just got home and I am starving. Either chicken or shrimp. I'll be dining as the rich do and be eating very late!
  12. Never had to "take" my ex-husbands dignity. He pretty much handed it to me on a platter that was disguised as a lawn mower!
  13. Driving home from work (S. Fulton) to S. Paulding was weird. Bright sun while pouring rain; very windy and then about 5 whole seconds of hail; they just sunshine. Strange!
  14. Columbia, PA 1966 Too old to remember my name
  15. Shrimp, green beans almondine and ??
  16. Well, twiddle dee doo on what they think. It is cute and fun and I love the pics!! Thank you for your time in making us smile.
  17. That sounds very good. I love black olives - I may have to try this, or something similar tonight; great idea!!
  18. I could definitely make the decision. This isn't "on me". The person who committed the crime made a conscious decision knowing that the penalty could be death. It is "on them".
  19. I think being open on Sunday is a luxury for us; most folks can shop on Saturday. And I think you deserve a family/church day like the rest of the world. Is Sunday really a huge shopping day? I wish you much success; but I say take one weekend day with the family! And if you decide to grill out next Sunday - I'd be happy to come over
  20. LOL! Glad someone won who really needs it. I buy tickets about 3 times per year and always disappointed I don't win; like I really expect to! I once splurged and spent $20 in one day. Yay for her!
  21. I googled "recipe, smothered chicken" and there are many; but I didn't see any with lemon. You might try it and see if any of those sound familiar.
  22. You got it! This board was a huge support for me when my brother had all his medical problems. Makes you realize the power of prayer!
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