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Everything posted by MissSophie

  1. If there is a legal investigation started, those jobs are protected; they can't be fired. Now; if the other doctors there are aware of the problem, and admit it; and they are "owners" of the business, they too are in trouble. I would not tolerate it and definitely seek legal advice.
  2. Thank you! and any time you come upon a good chicken recipe, please send it my way. I will try this one out this week.
  3. Rain? All day! Rains, stops; sun comes out and then it starts all over again! It is now pouring again! Looking for opportunities to let the critters out for potty breaks between showers.
  4. Probably also good with chicken. I eat so much chicken I keep trying to find new ways to prepare it. Looks like a great recipe.
  5. I have no idea!! But I started with a refreshing vodka tonic and then had a glass of white wine. JUST because it is a thank-you-God Friday. I am exhausted, stressed and thankful to be sitting here in jammies with my glass of vino!
  6. I had a similar experience about 3 months ago; just on one night. There was more than one and they were calling to one another from different sections in the woods. I spent a great deal of time on the internet listening to animal noises. I really think it was owls; but I did not listen to frog sounds; I might try that. I was very creeped out!
  7. A truck was stolen from our work parking lot about 3 months ago. Police located it within about 3 days. All they wanted was the rims. The police said those rims were probably off that truck within 2 hours. So very sad. Very sorry. It is such a personal affront to have someone steal from you. I work hard for everything I have as I am sure you do also. Makes everyone want to buy a lo-jack (spelling?)
  8. Went to Aspens for lunch and still not hungry. Lawdy! It was so good!
  9. On a last minute whim, I told my granddaughters to grab a blanket and some drinks and off we went. The band was great and one of the best firework shows I've seen. What a great evening. Unfortunately we sat close to the snack stand - I am sure the folks there were on a first-name basis with my girls by the time we left. What a fun night in Paulding!! I love living in Hiram!
  10. It's a dilly! But if it will water my vegetables, I'm a happy girl!
  11. Exactly the same menu I was planning; whoda thunk it? Really, I'll come and do dishes; I'll eat the kids' table; you won't even know I'm there!
  12. I think that is just a way to lend validation to the business. I'm thinking I eat at many a place owned by "sinners"! LOL, but just knowing that Christian people are the owners sometimes makes you feel better about owner "intent" as a community member. And sometimes that does not always "ring true"; been burned a time or two.
  13. Heck yeah! Throw some whipped cream on them babies!
  14. LOL!! Watching them grow? Watching them add up? Watching them multiply? Watching them stick to your thighs? I LOVE carbs. Yer my kinda family! I am having chicken stew.
  15. It is hard to get a straight answer for this - Is it a percentage?
  16. I've been cooking all day and freezing and had a late lunch. Not sure I can eat supper! In addition to all the stuffed peppers, I made a huge crockpot full of chicken stew (also to freeze, once it cools). So if I eat, it will be the stew. The burgers sound good. I am hungry for a good homemade burger.
  17. I halved them lengthwise. You can stuff them with anything you like. I used Jambalya Rice Mix; mixed with browned gr. beef and gr. sausage and shredded cheese. You can top with your favorite red sauce - I use Classic Ital sausage flavored sauce with additional sausage and beef, plus a bit of sugar and additional garlic; top with more cheese and bake for about 20 or 30 minutes (covered). I am freezing them. I used the same recipe to stuff and bake my green peppers (just bake a bit longer).
  18. Well, that does sound good. I have some chicken salad w. tarragon that I got a Publix. I might just add some peppers to it. I am going to stuff some today, stuff them w. sausage and gr. beef, rice and cheese and bake them. I'll let everyone know how they turn out!
  19. RIP. So sad when we can keep them for such a short period of time before we have to give them back. Prayers for family and friends.
  20. Some interesting ideas. Didn't think of pickling them. I did see a recipe on the internet to stuff them with rice and cheese and bake them; almost like a casserole. I like the idea of stuffing them with tuna salad! Though big, they are very tender. We threw some into pico de gallo (forgive spelling) this weekend and it was so delicious.
  21. And they are big. Does anyone here ever stuff them? Any recipes out there?
  22. And naughty me drizzled the top with caramel sauce. Then I fanned a strawberry and added it to the top (that was the "healthy" part!!
  23. Thank you!! I also thought about the chocolate - and maybe a little caramel drizzled over the top! LOL!!
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