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Everything posted by gregaperry

  1. Folks always want to know if there is a such thing as "true love". There is, simply look at your feet and see your dog.
  2. Agree with PM here. Making a few examples of employers who knowingly hire illegals will cut off the source. All the other problems will begin to cure themselves from there.
  3. Ace sells a spray that attaches to your hose that kills fleas, ants, chiggers, everything. I love it, as I can walk bare footed and not get ant bites. My dog never gets fleas after treating. It takes 10 minutes, and your done. I do it once in the Spring, and I just finished my summer treatment. Won't need to do it again until April.
  4. If you are looking for the political motivation here, just ask yourself this. What party do you think these 20 million new, poor, government dependent voters will vote for?
  5. If we are all being ridiculously honest and not being worried about being PC, then we can answer the question about why a Hispanic person may be treated differently than an illegal Canadian driving around in South Dakota. Be honest here: How many of us could really, if you lined up 9 illegal Hispanics and one illegal Saudi, would be able to pick out the illegal Saudi national? I'm not sure I could. I know this starts a whole argument on profiling, but it is what it is. Our enemies are smart. Do you honestly think that they don't see that the easiest way to get into our country is t
  6. In a former life, I sold insurance. When I think of renter's insurance, I always think of this one lady. She rented an apartment close to her college. I was always on her to get renter's insurance. At the time, it would have been less than $10 a month, plus the savings it would have given her on her car insurance would have negated the cost. She still declined, stating that her landlord had insurance. She left for class one day and left a candle burning. Not only did it burn her unit, but it burned the remainder of the 4-plex. She was liable for the damages, totaling about $500,0
  7. I'll be the bad person to bring this up. What about the rights of the taxpayers of the Volunteer state? Granted, this lady could be gainfully employed with her now family of 5 covered under a company's health insurance policy. Chances are, however, that most places won't hire you without a form of ID. These children were probably on TennCare (Tennessee's PeachCare). I know we are making assumptions here, but we see this everyday. Have kids you can't afford, no worries, have another and the taxpayers will take care of them. There are no consequences any more for bad choices. We coddle t
  8. If the OP had wanted forced sterilization, I would agree. All this would be voluntary. My wife and I have been trying to have a baby for years with no luck, yet every 19 year old seems to have 2 by 2 different men, neither of whom pay support. Government replaced wage earning fathers years ago.
  9. I'm not disagreeing with you here, just looking for clarification. Would the "cop" trolling for this guy online, then inviting him to her house not be the undercover's "influencing" of another? Your point makes sense if the pervert went looking for her. Is that what happens in these shows?
  10. This makes me think of something else. How are the arrest made on "To Catch a Predator" not entrapment? To be clear, I have NO sympathy for the folks that get caught here. I always wonder that. Again, I'm glad these folks are behind bars, but I always wonder from from a legal standpoint how these arrests stand up in court.
  11. Response from JW Mobile Shredding: " Thanks for inquiry but we can not do residential shreds with the size of our trucks. Brad"
  12. That's interesting. You are suggesting that, by invoking your rights, you are in fact giving it up, correct? Declining a search creates "probable cause"? I'm no lawyer nor law enforcement professional, I'd love to know if this is true. Anyone?
  13. So far, 2.5 out of 3 would decline the search.
  14. I sent JW an email asking for a residential quote. I'll let the board know if they handle small potatoes accounts like this.
  15. This sounds really cool Are they only for commercial purposes? This is just for my junk here around the house. How much?
  16. Wow, I was just thinking of selling my bike as nobody ever wants to go for rides around here. I need to find out where that store it. Sounds like fun, see you there.
  17. P.com is always a fun place to see what hot buttons there are on certain issues. I heard this debate on a talk radio show when I was in Nashville recently and the responses were fascinating. Here is the scenario. You are driving home from a trade show. It's about 9pm at night. You are driving a truck with your trade show booth and "swag" items boxed up in the back. You pull up to a DUI / Insurance police checkpoint. You have not been drinking, there is nothing in the cab of your truck that is suspicious (no empty beer cans, no odors, a sterile environment). The officer asks you if h
  18. If you look around on the web there is always a buy one get one free coupon. We went and had fun. Our take was, "this was fun, but I'm glad we didn't pay full price".
  19. I've seen on the news where, from time to time, places let you bring boxes and boxes of old papers that need to be shredded. Does anyone know of anywhere around here that does that?
  20. I could be a "forecaster" here. Watch this. I forecast that next Thursday, the 18th, it will be hot, humid with a chance of pop up afternoon thunderstorms. There, I did it.
  21. I never stated that the choices made were necessarily bad choices, simply that choices were made. Somebody, somewhere, chose to live 25-30 miles away from family. I have made the same choice, as I have no family within a couple hundred miles. I am certain that choice will come back to bite me one day.
  22. Be right back. I need to go buy milk and bread. Oh wait, wrong season.
  23. Just curious on everyone's opinion here, as it's been the talk of the news today. Who is to blame for this? Do you think Obama's supporters are really going to blame Bush? Do you?
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