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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. Yes!!! I forgot about this one..I loooove it My fave part is Sandra and Betty "Chanting by the fire From the window to the wall.............
  2. some movies I can NEVER get enough of ~mallrats ~Timeline ( with yummy Paul Walker) ~Jurassic Park ~The Firm ~National Treasure ~Happy Gilmore ~Knocked Up ~The Hangover ~Encino Man ~Son In Law There are many more but I don't wanna bore you (right now)
  3. PEople who do things like stone Mt have a permit ...people who do graffiti don't... people who do rock carvings do it in settings and make the other surroundings purdy...graffiti looks trashy. Now the graffiti people who gets permits and have theme looks good I have paid to go to Stone Mt but yet have paid to go to a graffiti park. Maybe because there is no Graffiti National Park
  4. i don't need that because it would always tell me I sleep poorly until 5am ( that is when Chad leaves for work) then I sleep like a log from 5am till 7 or 8
  5. ~my family and a few friends ~a sail boat ~fishing poles ~Satellite TV ~power
  6. redlaser is cool too you scan the bar code and it tells you where you can get it at and how much it will be at the different places
  7. really they have a dutch oven gatherings.. um ok Well I am happy with my waffle maker.... Maybe he will get me a dutch oven for my bday
  8. My name is sadie612 I looooove this app send me a request Pogo 5-0 radio shazam talking john
  9. I can do this too...Hubby can't though... I drive him crazy when I do this
  10. the awesome thing is she had no clue who sadie612 was and when I showed up at her house...her face was priceless it took me a few years to forgive her... Key word is forgiven...not forgotten welcome to this crazy site sometimes a member or two makes the news too.. hahaha
  11. well I found the board in a negative situation ... I had someone steal from me and they tried to sell what they stole on here... SHe is loooong gone and I got my stuff back... So after that I lurked awhile and then posted 3 or 4 months after I joined only met a few people I don't care for... the others are A OK
  12. if you google it the fart holding thingie comes up in the urban dictionary
  13. I have been chuckling at my hubby and one of his assistants I had a Dutch Oven ( or french oven) on my Christmas Wish list. Sooooooo HE goes out Shopping and calls the asst. and asks her what a Dutch Oven is. She proceeds to tell him in a matter of fact voice that it is when you Fart and hold it under the cover. He said he felt awkward after that and kinda busted out laughing SO they were both schooled on the cooking version on Christmas... haha I told him he should of googled it Thankful he did not do this and got me a waffle maker I had on the list too...lol SO if anyone
  14. [quote name='krwills' timestamp='1293477449' Tight rolled jeans and the hair with poofed up bangs, of course! that would be a negative Ghost Rider... ha
  15. well I loooong for warm Christmas's this colder than a frog's rear is strange to me how many more days till spring?
  16. nope, he did it all his self... he made me go on a scavenger hunt with all these different clues...
  17. I have a pic of my and the hubby in 1993 running through flurries on Christmas Eve but it didn't last long and it didn't stick
  18. I got New Kid On The Block and Back Street Boy Tickets for christmas..... eeeeeeeeeeeeep Come on June 22..... Hurry up and get here....ohhh what will I wear...ha I dooooo loooove that man of mine
  19. I have chili a cookin...smells ever so goooood
  20. if she has the activation thingie she can call american express and have them reissue another one if it has not been spent yet I lost once last year and had some info and the replaced it for me because I had all my info on it
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