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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. Sadie612


    :bad: I will pass!!!!
  2. she will love the nook... I agree spend a tad bit get it. My friend paid 80 something for her android thingie and HATES IT!!! she wished she at least got the nook i take my ipad to work with me... I am watching TV as I do my computer work...love it! you can do this with the nook too and a whole lot cheaper than the ipad
  3. my friend got one after using my ipad and she says it does not even compare to the ipad. if you cant afford the ipad then I would go with the nook... it is a a trusted brand. My daughter has one and loves it. I think she paid $170 or something for it i wished I had more info for ya...
  4. I am doing this to my house... yep! the walking dead will truly become "walkers"
  5. i spent more than I expected this year ... but I am actua;lly excited for us to do Christmas. I still make my 17 year old do Santa ( it is still FUN!)
  6. you might want to send the teacher an email so she can send a psa home to parents... that is horrible!!!
  7. I am more concerned when trick or treating is gonna be next year
  8. some like poking things with a stick over and over and over and over and over and over ...did I mention and over
  9. Sadie612


    the pre k worked fine for awhile until people started getting to greedy and misusing money it could work again if they make a budget and STICK to it
  10. ignored and blocked are 2 different things... ignore they can see you in news feed but you will not get their news feed unless you go to their page blocked they cant see you and you cant see them nobody gets notified in any instance
  11. I love JT and Jimmy... I think they should do a tour... I would go see it lol http://www.latenightwithjimmyfallon.com/video/History-of-Rap-3-102811/1365175#.Tq9JqVrIo8w.facebook
  12. me too...I don't like getting off work at 6 in the dark!
  13. i love AT&T ... If I have ever had an issue they helped me solve it and in a timely manner ...
  14. we have budget billing so ours stayed the same... lol the budget plan has saved me from those strokes I would have in the summer time I told my hubby I would never die of a heat stroke but a power bill stroke
  15. how is she a celebrity? not in my book or anyone else that I know would put her in the celebrity category maybe low life, bottom of the barrel scum... sure but celebrity, no!
  16. mine as little red riding hood and her not so big and bad "woof"
  17. i did tell my DD if you can drive yourself then you are tooo old to go lol ...she didn't like that but I do kinda agree,,,at least dress up
  18. we had some really polite kids....many Thank yous and many said we are always the cool house... lol we even had treats for the dogs we always enjoy all the cuteness... just a few bad apples but I didn't let it ruin my night
  19. it is a vegetable... right lol kroger had candy corn cupcakes that were gooooood
  20. i gave out good stuff like candy bars, nerds and skittles andother cool whatknots lolo btw I LOVE cANDY CORN HA
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