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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. we had some really cute and nice trick or treaters .... then we had the demanding ones all 3 were smaller kids.... 2 said they didn't like what I gave them and wanted something else and 1 that demanded skittles ( needless to say their request were not met) most said thank you... but some parents and kids need a refresher course on manners lol
  2. poor girl...stuff like this makes me sick!
  3. I think you should ask your neighbor ... ( ducksandrunsforcover)
  4. i think they are NASTY but the hubby loves them... he went to order and was super giddy...even the chick taking his order laughed at him I will pass though
  5. sad but true.. I want a Big Mac so hubby is bringing Micky D's home
  6. this is a great event and the round of golf alone is a great savings(FREE) on a great course that is normally $$$ great give a ways and great company SPACE IS FILLING UP FAST...PASTORS APPRECIATION EVENT with 970 WNIV on October 27 at the Marriott in Alpharetta with guest speaker Dr. Henry Blackaby along with praise & worship led by 104.7 The Fish artist Echoing Angels...event includes FREE LUNCH plus the chance to win some great prizes like a TRIP TO ISRAEL, an iPad 2, tickets to the Dove Awards and more!...SPACE IS LIMITED...Register now at http://www.wniv.com/ContentPages/
  7. Sadie612


    West metro consulting group is good... I actually work for them . We are on Charles Hardy Parkway near the newer Walmart on 120 This is an outpatient counseling option for your friend 770-443-1644
  8. Yep, totally free for them and we have some cool prizes for them as well!!!
  9. To all my pastor friends and friend who want to sign their pastor up...we'd love for you to join us for this event next week...we're giving away a trip to Israel, an iPad 2, and you'll be the first to know about the 2012 Pastors Golf Classic http://www.wniv.com/ContentPages/527/
  10. do a customized basket... I got a a cute wicker laundry basket and filled it with stuff she likes. I got her a cook book ( she loves to cook) I copied one of the pages and bought most the ingredient she needed for it except the refrigerated stuff and got her a small grocery store gift card for the rest. I also put her favorite drink and a $s dvd from walmart... she loved it and stole the idea
  11. nope, I don't turn on the heat till it hits the 30's outside
  12. i finally got one of those jobs that let me facebook/facebook games , Pcom and Dallas HWY plus any other thing I wanna do online as long as I get my job done
  13. even though a lot of the times that route is quicker for me... I turn off Nebo and go to ridge and go out at the light prayers for all involved
  14. Someone would probably throw a Donner Party ... I am not being funny it is a sad but true statement I would probably starve ..... but would get by on fruits and veggies as long as I could stand it (stand it is the key word)
  15. just chatted with him and he is gonna get it one day this week
  16. SO my day started off with a bang.... Yep I heard a BANG and my washer died If anyone wants my washing machine that sales scrap metal you are more than welcome to it... you come get it and you keep the $$$ lol now I just have to figure out a way to drain all the water in it. Why do they break in the middle of a load or right after it fills up with water
  17. I am a Christian and I don't get confused by the calender lol
  18. how come people don't ask when is Christmas, Easter or Valentines... it is always Halloween I will always do Halloween ON HALLOWEEN
  19. I could smack the people who always ask when is Halloween?
  20. Yep..agreed with you are the parent and she is the child We have a saying at my house.. NO means no and do not ask again 11 is still a tad young. Mine is 17 and I said no to this just the other day
  21. We are state certified and on the DDS website here is a link to our page www.westmetrodriving.com we also have our calender of classes listed from now till may 2012
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