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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I dunno...I'm pretty chipper after doing my shopping on the puter.
  2. I read awhile back somebody did a study that found that the bottom of a woman's purse and computer keyboards have far more germs than do toilets. Ick...
  3. I could shoot anyone who was a direct threat to me or my loved ones.
  4. Great news! Thanks for posting! I have about eleventy hundred partially working strands that I just refuse to get rid of. Woo hoo!!!
  5. mei lan


    Yowsa...40! They can be annoying. Yeah, I'd start with animal control, and/or marshal's office. Geez.
  6. That is one precious baby right there.
  7. You make a decent point. :stillshudderingatthethoughtof7upping:
  8. RE: 8th amendment - as far as I'm concerned, that applies to US citizens, period. Not that I don't necessarily think some interrogation policies need to be changed. I just am not interested in handing over rights of US citizens to foreigners who are trying to kill us. Now, Jose Padilla - we can agree on that. The man is a US citizen, and was held as an enemy combatant (and interrogated) for three and a half years without due process at a brig in SC. Wrong, wrong, wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Padilla_%28prisoner%29 (I know Wiki's iffy, but I'm lazy.)
  9. Found it! (I am so terrible with book names.) The book is The Curtain by Patrick Ord. It was a REALLY good book, and I don't say that about many books. NOTE: It does have a Christian theme*, but for those of you who aren't believers, if you can get past that, it really is a GOOD book. And you will understand data mining like never before. * While I don't say most books are really good, I almost NEVER say a Christian book is really good. Most writers in the Christian book genre are just terrible, IMHO. This book really is just very good. http://www.amazon.com/Curtain-Novel-Patri
  10. I read a really good book about this awhile back - the name is escaping me. Will look it up and get back.
  11. I've heard of fruit flies and hte like coming up the drain. :blech:
  12. I agree with satellite. While I can't really get worked up about anything the CIA did to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, I can see how the tactics could be misused against people who should be interrogated, and against people who should not be interrogated. IDK.
  13. Had a bunch of tiny moths back in the summer inside, and they drove me nuts till i could get rid of them. No gnats, though. I hate gnats. Did they appear all of a sudden? Maybe came in on some fruit or something?
  14. I agree with Pubster - it really isn't illegal for kids to pray in school. (In fact, as long as there are tests in school, there will also be prayer in school.) But a lot of teachers and administrators don't know it is legal, and what is legal about students having a Bible study or prayer time, say, on school property, so they just knee-jerk clamp down with NO and are immovable on the issue.
  15. mei lan


    That is how every corporation will deal with said increases. They will not absorb the increases with no action.
  16. I love the idea of Uber, but the company has done some really sketchy things of late. Don't know as much about Lyft...I hope they are a good company. RE: FB - a prime reason I remain a Facebook Refusenik.
  17. My guess is she went willingly...teenagers can be incredibly stupid. They knew she had "befriended" this character from FL? Geez...that raises many questions.
  18. I do not disagree with this, but I think HUSBAND should have the talk with MIL. It sounds as if this situation is not JUST about the dog. If that is the case, it's especially better for the husband to talk with MIL. If he refuses, then OP has a whole other issue.
  19. Holy cow - that is a FANTASTIC video. Imma go back and watch the whole 10 Commandments series. I didn't realize he had done these. I have been on the receiving end of lies to and about me, and believe me when I say that It. Was. Devastating. The character trait I value most in a person is HONESTY.
  20. Bless your heart! I hope your dr. finds an answer soon.
  21. That was hilarious!!! I loved the traffic reporter girl.
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