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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Yeppers. And still he was lauded by many in the West. :sigh:
  2. Evil personified. Responsible for no telling how many million people's death.
  3. Point is they can take it without probable cause and without filing charges. I've been screaming about this for some t8me.
  4. I must still be a kid. Greatest Three Stooges short ever : But then I am one of those who also loves the Marx Brothers and British comedies as well.
  5. Awww...he's just a big ol' baby!
  6. Utterly FANTASTIC idea!!!
  7. Krwills, every time I think of you, I am sad. Ye gods. And this guy was a lot of people's choice, IIRC.
  8. THE MALL ANYWHERE IN DOUGTOWN?!?!? I have walked alone on streets in NYC at night and you are braver than me.
  9. Eddie is back from Florida. (He knows I love him.) Honey, we need to talk. Walmart in Hiram is open. License and registration, please, ma'am. Step out of the car.
  10. Truer words were never spoken. The place gives me the heebie-jeebies. If somebody came up to me in any store and asked to pray with me, I'd put as much distance between them and me as possible. I do NOT like people getting into my personal space. And who does that, anyway? Legitimately, I mean? But con artists are experts at reading marks. I also wear a small bag with the strap crosswise over my body. Or just carry in a credit card and my keys in my pocket.
  11. WTG! You still got the prayers, chica.
  12. I ain't messin' with her if I run across her in a dark alley.
  13. In these types of situations, is winning actually winning? It wouldn't be for me. But c'est la vie...
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