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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. That's not an anagram, you ninny...it's an acronym. But I digress...back to the point at hand: $92?!?!? I'd handle the bat in the spice cabinet better than that. GAH!!!
  2. I want it, too. The carrot cake recipe, that is.
  3. Don't tell me what to do, dammit!!! I believe in choosing to be happy.
  4. Yeah, the shot in the toe did make me wince. I KNOW it feels so much better! Do you put anything in the foot bath?
  5. Oh, wow. That is beyond powerful. Thanks for posting.
  6. Kinda like way to go or woo hoo! And Woo Hoo!!! Great work, SS. You will so enjoy that.
  7. Well, hey, thanks, low, you loser, for getting rid of our only decent topic of conversation.
  8. Well, why didn't you ask? You're the one what knows all them manly constructiony things.
  9. What about settings? Is there a clock function in there?
  10. Had to go back today, because OF COURSE I forgot like three things. Lots of people in the store, but it wasn't too bad. No mean people in sight. Woo hoo!
  11. Has this house been standing empty for some time? Why would a power company need an inspector to come say it's ok to turn on the power?
  12. I went to Publix this morning around 9am...it was awesome. It was like me and four other people getting groceries. Happy, happy! And Happy Thanksgiving to all y'all, too!
  13. My condolences on the loss of many of your brain ceils while you were trapped like a rat.
  14. The customer service girl getting tickled was funnier than the guy was. Surely he was putting her on. Either which way, she was a hoot.
  15. You, dearest, have made a friend for life. (And you're right. He doesn't look (and isn't) nearly so old as he makes himself out to be. The old coot.
  16. I love you, sweet Blondie. Was that good?
  17. Thank the Lord! I am so happy it didn't happen on the road.
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