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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. LOVE Elvis to this day. Did not love Viva Las Vegas. Did love Blue Hawaii and Love Me Tender. I never liked In the Ghetto (I don't do dark/depressing well). He was a fantastic performer, though.
  2. So let me get this straight - he was arrested for aggravated battery against his (ex?) wife in 2010 and 2013 and his own mother in 2013, he had primary custody of the daughter, he filed a domestic violence injunction against the ex and it was declined, so he threw his innocent and helpless 5yo daughter, who did not ask to be brought into this world, into the river to her death? Yeah, that makes a LOT of sense. There's a special place in hell for people who harm innocent children. I don't care what sort of conflict he had with anybody else...she did not deserve to die.
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA Silly animal.
  4. That example was beyond horrendous, TP. I'm all for complying at the scene, esp. if you run into a bully-type cop, and straighten things out when you get to the station. However, in that case, geez - I can't think of what would have made me consent to a search of any sort without a warrant, much LESS a body cavity search. :shudder:
  5. I can't decide if it's scarier that CC wanted an enlarged photo of this dude in his living room or if it is CC in the picture - a self-portrait, as it were. Either which way, you are correct. :shudderingrighttherewithyou:
  6. Many, many cops don't realize it's perfectly legal to video them in action as long as the videographer isn't hindering the policeman's actions. But they do find out at some point.
  7. Then, we have the rabid conservative Bill Maher giving his opinion on how moderate Muslims should react: http://twitchy.com/2015/01/07/bill-maher-moderate-muslims-need-to-do-more-than-condemn-charliehebdo-attack/ PS - Eddie, I don't know any conservatives who like Putin, but even if there were, I surely do not. He is a desperate, dangerous, almost-cornered man, whose background is the successor to the KGB (which initials I cannot recall - GRU, maybe?).
  8. The Catholic Church and other Christian groups don't believe women should have equal rights? Or are you meaning the right to be a church leader? Two different animals.
  9. It is heartening to me to see the many thousands of folks across Europe standing against the violence. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2900835/Crowds-gather-central-Paris-solidarity-murdered-Charlie-Hebdo-journalists-slogan-Je-Suis-Charlie.html
  10. I know regular Muslims don't approve of the actions of a radical minority. And I have heard some of the non-violent Muslim leaders speak out against it. But as for France, I do know that a friend of mine lived in a town outside Paris when 9/11 occurred...her husband put her and their kid on the first flight to America when flights resumed. Her town was more than 20% Muslim, and she said they were afraid for their very lives. This girl is not given to hyperbole or hysteria.
  11. His wife got him one. She's a good woman, and she means well, bless her heart...she has no idea the monster she has released on society. I don't have kids, but they would for doggone sure know I meant business. My nephews all know I mean business, and even now that the three oldest are over 18, they know if I say we leave at 10, they'd best be at the car ready to leave. That's a nit, but I have found things like that are very helpful in larger behaviors as well. You set the standard, they will know where the line is. They may choose to cross it, but they will not be able to say they
  12. mei lan


    What are you griping about? He left you some parts of a few rolls intact.
  13. mei lan


    Those precious babies, all sweet and innocent even in the face of slander and (no doubt) neglect by their uncaring owner. :D
  14. Yeah, I didn't see MB at Fort Mac. Glad they're moving the HQ here, though!
  15. I'm guessing those killers were back in Africa before the bodies were even cold. :sigh:
  16. Well done! I didn't think about posting a pic! Woo hoo!!!
  17. It's a crying shame, IMHO, that those clowns Clemens, Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa are even on the ballot. Bud Selig is a dunce. I'm glad he's gone (or will soon be).
  18. WE HAVE AN EGG!!! I was watching Cam 1 and she got up and started moving around and I saw it!!! Woo hoo!!!
  19. Oh, they CAN, dearest - the questions is, will they? (Don't get me started.)
  20. Smoltz in Baseball Hall of Fame on one ballot; Biggio in on three. Great guys, both. http://m.mlb.com/news/article/105660410/pedro-big-unit-smoltz-biggio-make-hall-of-fame
  21. a) The government (and most anybody else) can find out things any way it wants. But 2) you will probably have to list a policy # and company # on the tax returns, like you used to do with car tag. OR the IRS will have a database built by insurance companies forwarding enrollment information to it for just this purpose.
  22. Yowsa. I hope she is successful at rebuilding her life.
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