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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I knew they wouldn't listen to me. I told them to wait till Wednesday at 6pm and pray for cold and snow/heavy rain. But no. They gotta go ahead and release it.
  2. Geez...I hate that. Sounds like the rookie shot him? :heavysigh:
  3. In the cop's defense, he was responding to a call about a kid with a gun, and said gun was a replica of a real gun without the orange muzzle attached. However, the kid didn't point the gun at him. Article didn't say if the cop told him to drop it and he didn't.
  4. No maybe about it. See his new thread "it's twue, it's twue" for more information.
  5. The Thunderbirds were at the Rome air show a month or so ago. 70,000 people were there, most from out of state. They said it was awesome. (I don't go for that sort of thing, but for those who do, they said it was awesome.)
  6. How. Much. Fun!!! I really am so happy for you. I tell you, that wife is a keeper. As I said when I met her, I don't know whenever I've met such an appealing person. I note you were wearing your good shirt, too. Great pic. I'm really happy you had such a great time.
  7. Oh, dear Lord - another query that'll have him yammering for days. (Not bustin' on you, SS...you'll find out soon enough. )
  8. I see the paper's date was magically changed. :snicker:
  9. It is Mother's Day weekend. What are they thinking?
  10. Praise the Lord. I pray His blessings and protection for your family.
  11. How did you do that? But the paper is dated Friday and reports an incident that happened Friday night.
  12. I cannot imagine. Please know that I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
  13. You are correct; I was thinking of larger parcels of property that run through farms/pastures/etc. And for the record, I am NOT in favor of eminent domain vis a vis private development. I think the Kelo decision was one of the worst SCOTUS has ever handed down.
  14. I see the two examples of eminent domain differently - with the toll road, that property and the use thereof is gone; with the pipeline, once construction is finished, the property is still there for use above-ground (as I understand it). If that is not true, then I would have some hesitations until I got those concerns addressed.
  15. Yes, indeedy - you will all be in my prayers. I am actually excited for you (inasmuch as any surgery can be exciting) - I am praying this will be the last hurdle to your family forging a new and wonderful life.
  16. Oh, come on. I really did use that expensive car to help some homeless people get from one place to the other one time.
  17. Most of the concerns at that link are about the extraction process and whether it should happen, etc. This is in Canada and doesn't really affect us. The pipeline will forward no matter what - if not through the US to the Gulf of Mexico, then across Canada to New Brunswick. The other major source of tar sands is in eastern Utah and is not being extracted, nor could I find any plans to extract from Utah. I was in eastern Utah a couple of years ago, and you cannot throw a stick and miss regular oil wells...ALL OVER. The only issue I see that is a real concern is the possibility of a leak
  18. I am in opposition to the airport expansion and I would be in favor of the pipeline running through my property (all other things being equal). HOWEVER, the REASON I am opposed to the airport expansion is the high-handed way they've done things and not explained things, etc. If somebody would explain to me in a clear and concise manner the benefits and goals of the airport expansion, and would discuss concerns rationally, my mind might could be changed. But as it is, I remain opposed simply because the PTB have run roughshod over the people's rights in Paulding County.
  19. I have an account set up at a local bank. You can forward all monies to me and I'll make sure it's kept safe and sound.
  20. I'll answer it: Because Bill Clinton was (and still is, due to his influence) in a position to fight for far left causes (aboortzion rights, women as a minority rights, etc.) and Bill Cosby is just a guy. Many people (on either side, to be fair) will ignore a lot of flaws in a person if they think that person will help further the agenda(s) they believe in.
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