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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Excellent point about the journaling. I hadn't thought of that. And yes, we women are great criers. Well, I am a great crier - my mother is one of those If-I-start-crying-I'll-never-stop people, so I've seen her break down and cry about three times in my entire life. Good luck with your search for a dr. to help. Still praying for y'all.
  2. Ooh - good lesson on the sizes...I had never seen a pair side by side like this. I think I went to high school with the photographer named on the coot picture.
  3. The Nuremburg trials would likely never take place today. Perhaps Hitler would be tried by the World Court or whatever it's called, but that's it.
  4. I shall never forget this - at Daddy's graveside service (he was in the Navy in the Pacific theatre), and I was talking to one of his friends. I asked him what he did in the war, and he said, "I was in the Army." I said, "What part of the Army?" and he said completely understatedly, "Oh, I was with a little division in Europe - the 10th Mountain." A little division?!?!? The 10th Mountain Division did some of the worst fighting of the war. Classified, I think, as light infantry, they were specially-trained to fight in the mountains, and did some serious, brutal fighting in the Italian Alps
  5. AND they had already lived through the Great Depression. Truly, an amazing group of people.
  6. Praise the Lord for the benign biopsy!!! That is fantastic news!!! RE: radiation - from my mother and everyone else I've heard of who had it, the only bad parts are a) having to go every day, and 2) it makes you tired. My mother, who is a stoic Indian (feather, not dot), cried many days for no reason. Made her mad as heck. But it's super easy, and once they get the little dots marked where it'll be aimed, it doesn't take long at all. Bless your heart...this is so annoying, besides being scary. That drain hookup thingy is annoying...Mother had one with that surgery and with her
  7. WOO HOO!!! I thought of you, but didn't want to write because I knew you'd be busy. I'm so happy everything worked well! I don't know Amy/Amee, but I hear she is wonderful. But I can tell you FOR SURE that Mark Willix knows his bidness like few others. He has a keen grasp of the real estate market and the REALITIES of same. And I've never known him not to be honest. I've never had occasion to use him, but trust me when I say I'd recommend him in a heartbeat. I don't say that about many agents (even friends), I can assure you. Happy, happy!
  8. Amen and amen. God bless them every one.
  9. Weird. I have never had a dr. do that. Not to say there aren't those out there who would...
  10. Whoa there, nellie! I wasn't questioning your ethics or honesty. I was merely commenting on the certainty of the wording in HIS facebook post.
  11. I meant to add that I recommend that for everyone, in every situation. If you are incapacitated (as in, groggy from surgery, or whatever), have someone you trust with you. Some years back, my uncle was in the hospital related to his autoimmune disease, and an orderly came to get him for surgery. They were getting the bed ready and my mother came out of the bathroom and asked what they were doing. They told her, and she said uh, no - he is not having any surgery. They argued, and she made them check his ID band (which they should have done in the first place). When I was in the hospit
  12. They are so beautiful. I was watching the other day when it was really windy and one of them was sitting in the nest looking around, and the wind was blowing his/her feathers all over, and he/she just looked so serene. I love how you can see the ground moving under the nest when it's windy. I also love how they've refurbished the nest. It looks like hundreds more sticks, and then a cushy layer of straw right in the middle.
  13. I completely agree! I will be keeping you in my prayers. And not to bring up a sore subject (pun intended), but what about the biopsy on the other boobie? Did they do that at the same time? My mother has lopsided boobies from her lumpectomy. It bugs her sometimes, and you can use a prosthetic padded bra thingy (like a falsie?) to make it look more normal. But considering it's been 17 1/2 years since her boobies got lopsided, she doesn't mind. And we DEFINITELY don't mind.
  14. I've been thinking about this. For me, I guess that leaves me with making my OWN decisions based on the recommendations of the dr. (like mine suggested taking a statin because my cholesterol was a wee bit over 200, and I said no), and taking charge of my own medical life. Not that I will ignore the medical advice of doctors, but I will choose where and what to do about it.
  15. Are you talking samples? Those are always name brands when the dr. gives them to me. Otherwise, I get mine from the pharmacy, and nearly without exception, I specify generics. Even the thyroid med, which some folks say works better in the brand name, works fine for me in the generic.
  16. :shakingmyhead: I thought it was gonna be a picture of a Festivus pole.
  17. mei lan

    Windows XP

    The reason it and Macs, etc., don't have trouble with viruses is because there's not a big enough market for malefactors to want to target them.
  18. I just keep wondering how they know it's these guys. I mean, the language wasn't uncertain, like these are the guys we suspect and this truck was seen in our driveway. It was this IS these guys, we want to find them. IDK.
  19. Many of them are DEFINITELY drug dealers, IMHO. The more I think about the malpractice angle, the more I think that factors in. That, combined with whiny patients who want meds for Every. Single. Thing. Then, if there's kickbacks (which a friend who is a pharma rep says not also), it would just add to it. Also, it's a lazy way out. If there's nothing really wrong, but they don't have the guts to say it, then here, take this and call me in the morning.
  20. Most of the ones I know ask for them. Repeatedly. :smh:
  21. Based on the people I know, I'd say it leans more toward people wanting scrips AND the dr. wanting to avoid malpractice by a patient saying well he didn't prescribe me anything and then x happened. Although I wouldn't be surprised at the kickback thing. Nothing surprises me anymore.
  22. The look on the Scottish Fold's face was priceless...who, me? LOVE the skateboarding kitteh! How smart! I love to see people work with animals.
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