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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I noticed; I just didn't say anything. I noticed; I just didn't say anything.
  2. Ooh - TCM does that so beautifully. Some greats, indeed! Video completely worth watching just for the lovely shots of the Swan House. I have an idea a friend of mine's daughter worked on that video...I'll have to ask her. I told her once I'd hate to have to stab her in the head for having my dream job working with Robert Osborne at TCM. I was kidding...I think.
  3. Where my twin at? He be startin' trouble all over the place...
  4. Weezer, your story nearly trumps the OP's. Not have that little amount on hand??? Ye gods!
  5. My second favorite Merle song, TP! Here's my favorite:
  6. As I have said before, I was unable to help due to circumstances in my own life. But I could pray, and have done so for your family for the longest time. Y'all are an inspiration and I continue to pray the Lord's greatest blessings on your family.
  7. Yikes. Makes me wanna keep my $1.17 under the mattress.
  8. Oh, hush, already! I already admitted to liking some and you converted me on Arsenic and Old Lace. Y'all don't listen to him. :nyah:
  9. He's a public figger...pretty sure that would not apply.
  10. Wouldn't that tiara make him Queen Obama? At any rate, it was adorable of him to pose with the girls that way.
  11. Interesting article about North Korea's excellent hacking skills by a defector: http://www.businessinsider.com/north-korean-defector-jang-se-yul-trained-with-hackers-2014-12
  12. You are correct...I was thinking abou the poor average little people who suffer under this awful regime. You're associating Seth Rogen with good taste? But I think the larger point is freedom of speech. I can't imagine anything Rogen is involved with as being anything other than crass, bad taste, rude, crude, etc.
  13. They do still live in the dark ages but it's because of the iron-fisted evil that rules them.
  14. Add this to the ISIS or whoever fighters who formerly worked at Minneapolis airport...oh, joy. Feel better about flying, I do not. I'm not in the airline industry, but I know some here are in some manner. Is there not a way the airlines can police their own employees so they might at least know to expect impromptu supervisor checks (or whatever) kinda like random drug tests being unannounced? Or the airport to monitor the security system better to note who goes where and when? IDK...that's why I'm asking.
  15. The Plaza Theater, an independent house in Atlanta at the corner of North Avenue and Ponce, will be showing the film starting Christmas Day. Ticket sales are brisk, they said.
  16. Many more folks are speculating that the Sony attack didn't come from N. Korea. Either which way, I can't summon up much sympathy for them. And good point about the ChiComs playing one against the other.
  17. Good one about the Atari computer. I read somewhere they think these NK hacker types work in China at sophisticated centers for such. IDK.
  18. I'm sure she'll let you. Changing room is in the basement.
  19. My heart goes out to her. I didn't realize that was why they had moved back to S. Georgia. God bless them.
  20. Awww...that was sweet of you, stradial.
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