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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I dunno...I think with enough sedatives I'd be fine. Now, if we're talking being hoisted up out of deep water via helicopter bucket...GAH! I can imagine some nightmarish creepiness.
  2. Oh, and re: wifey of jet skier dude - I can't even really tell you why I feel the way I do, and that tells me that something is definitely up. When I can't explain a gut feeling like that, it's almost ALWAYS correct. Woman's intuition and all that.
  3. I got a bottle I'll sell you for $1000.
  4. Agreed...sounded like even the girl's father thinks the (step?)mother had something to do with her disappearance. RE: jet skier dude - that girl has been fishy from the get-go. Did you see her interview? Dry eyes, chewing gum...I know people go into shock when a loved one dies, but I've been there, and it wouldn't have occurred to me to behave as flippantly as she behaved. She may be telling the truth about how he died, but something's hinky with her. Oh, and btw - why on God's green earth would they have gone into Mexico to see that church when it's been all over the news for MONTHS
  5. And it said they do this "up to several times a year!" Woooo hooo!!! :rollingmyeyesseverely: What an awful, horrible country (government). South Korea is such a remarkable example of freedom, innovation, etc....the contrast is striking.
  6. Oh, bless your heart. You never learned the real meaning of lazy, did you? Lazy is NOT cleaning out a closet, cleaning bathrooms, preparing supper, and taking clothes to a charity. Lazy is going from the bed to the sofa with or without a book, and lying under an afghan while dozing, interrupted only by occasional trips to the kitchen to get another Little Debbie oatmeal cake.
  7. Where in Alaska are you from? I Alaska!!! Only been to the Inside Passage, but I wanna go back many times and see all of it! Yeppers.
  8. I gotta say, I love greasy fatty unhealthy food as much as anybody, but some of those pictures were positively DISGUSTING! But I do love me some (crispy) bacon...I can totally identify with the dog in the Beggin' Strips ads.
  9. My mother's are fantastic, and she makes hers in a regular boiling pot on the stove with the broth at a rolling boil, dropping the pieces of dough one at a time. If you do the crock pot, let us know how it turns out.
  10. Truly, there are few things in the food world more atrocious as a limp, greasy, partially un-cooked piece of bacon. BLECH.
  11. Awwwwwwwwwww...GREAT pics! man, those gorgeous eyes are exactly the same, aren't they? Thanks for sharing.
  12. Ooh...pithy and wise. Good combo.
  13. Awwww! Bless your heart...glad to see you're doing well enough to talk to us.
  14. You know, I'm sure this will come as a great surprise, but I'm not really attractive with snot escaping from my nose and my eyes all puffy and my face all red. Shocking, huh?
  15. Wow. That does indeed give the Big Picture perspective. Bless his heart. I hope he's able to find hope and joy in the future.
  16. Ditto. Ordering flowers for a funeral is a pain. (We love ya, NC!) LGM - I know what you mean about being better company later. I have this THING about not bothering people who are sick (in hospital or at home). I mean, if it's my sister or bff, yeah. But even good friends I won't go see in the hospital or until they've been home for awhile and I'm convinced they're not miserable. I do NOT want to add to someone's misery by sitting around forcing them to be sociable with me. Bless her heart...I'm glad she's on the getting-well side of this.
  17. :spewingdietcokeonmonitor:
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