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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'm pulling for the Rangers, too. GHWB has had two hip replacements (one each side); the second one didn't rehab very well, I think. About a year ago, maybe? I thought Lyle did a GREAT job with the national anthem. I love him!
  2. What CeeJay said. :runningofftochangescreennameto What CeeJay Says: Dude, I like you.
  3. To leave it a mess - I don't care what the business is - is just rude and uncouth.
  4. Dude...that would be one sad tombstone. C. Mark Willix - He died on account of they took his texting away.
  5. Oh, bless your heart! It's really great to hear he's such a great kid, but did you thump him on the head when he got home? I can just see my nephew doing this...he's the same sort of great kid, but such an absent-minded professor type that he could be gone like 6 hours and not remember to eat or call home or anything. Silly boys... Oh, and the SO is the bomb! Every interaction I've had with them has been pleasant.
  6. It'd be a pain, but since you can't dump baking soda all over it and inside it, I'd sit it out on the porch for a couple of days (making sure no moisture gets to it). Can't really think of anything else.
  7. I gotta remember to try them! I keep forgetting. Also, did you notice the new restaurant finally going in there across from McD's? Martini's Italian Restaurant.
  8. mei lan


    If this is the best they can do, they're gonna have to drop that "Secret" part. Dang union workers.
  9. I am so not surprised at what you report. I have heard story after story about service men and women severely injured on the battlefield and yet choosing to stay in the service after they rehab. What sterling young people we have serving this country in the military. God bless this fine young man, and please give him our love and tell him he has our continued prayers.
  10. You two need to get a room.
  11. Note to self: Never, ever turn back on Blondiega1.
  12. BTW - I didn't mean to ignore CC...I'm also glad y'all weren't hurt. I just kinda got sidetracked by the baby.
  13. I feel sad and left out. I have no sacral dimple. But that's just par for the course...everybody else always gets the cool stuff, and I just get to be blah and boring. heh
  14. Paulding County Conducts Community Butt Crack Inspections, details at 6.
  15. That's why I'm always so happy to see babies born to people who want them terribly and who you know will do their very best to take care of them. Like Go Blue! and Mrs. B. (Not Go Blue! and Mrs. B's baby together...Go Blue! and Mrs. Go Blue!, and Mrs. B and Mr. B. Oh, crap...I think too much.)
  16. Serial killin's kinda gross. Unless you do something like shooting them from a distance with a rifle. 'Course, you could be like Dexter and kill serial killers. Hmmm...you could be the TNK (They Needed Killin') serial killer.
  17. I got nothin', except either which way, he's going to be the same between now and when you find out the results of the ultrasound. I'm guessing if she said it's a precaution, then she's not too worried. I'm one to talk (believe me - I know from anxiety), but when I come to things like this, I try to force myself to agree (with myself...hahaha) not to think about it until after the test results come in. I tell myself I can worry then if I want to. Keep us posted.
  18. Yeah, I didn't quite get that either...so you blow up a bunch of cargo planes and/or delivery trucks. I mean, that's bad, and I certainly don't want them to do it, but that's not really their MO. Their MO is more let's blow up lots and lots of people in some gruesome manner. Unless by using cargo planes in the dry run they could test security procedures in commercial passenger flights. I don't know enough about it to say one way or the other.
  19. Again, the Law of Unintended Consequences (because they're too stupid to look ahead).
  20. Me, neither. Nobody makes it as good as my mama (and me).
  21. See, this is how I think. The trouble I run into is the $15K. Ditto.
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