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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Ah. Yes, that would do it. Bless her heart. I hope she gets help before it's too late.
  2. 10-4 on the bleach. I wasn't saying I'd do it; I was genuinely interested in the answers. Also - believe me, if I were in this situation, I'd do exactly the same thing and hire professionals. GAH!!! LPPT, still praying for you, hon. Bless your heart.
  3. I've never smoked, either, but my father put them down after I was born and never looked back. And he was one of those folks who LOVED smoking. Personally, if I were a smoker, I think sugail's advice is good re: visualization. Here's an idea...google/bing a comparison pic of a smoker's lung to a healthy lung. I did that one time, and it is one of the grossest things I have ever seen, even now. GAG A MAGGOT. That should provide some inspiration. Hang in there, sweetie. I have faith in you! You can even put up disgusting creepy avatars if it'll help.
  4. OK, I'll bite - if bleach kills mold (and it does), why is it the worst thing to put on mold? I mean, I get that there are other products, but why would bleach be the worst thing in the world?
  5. Oh, good thought...yes, bleach is our friend!!! Poor LPPT.
  6. Has she had any therapy for this? The behaviors you describe scream eating disorder. Not that you could force her to go now, of course...
  7. Crap! We've had our feeders out for two weeks...maybe they stopped by and we missed them. I'll have to keep a close eye here. Love the critters!
  8. Been there on the anxiety thing...you are correct that it helps to have somebody to talk to. When will he be home?
  9. Well, reading totally between the lines here, latest article at AJC says she was taking anti-anxiety meds but the bottle had the correct amount in it for when she got it (meaning no abuse). Also says she had gone to balcony to smoke a ciggie. Also says tox screens won't be back for a few weeks because since LE doesn't expect foul play, there's no rush. IF she had taken a drink (or more) while taking anti-anxiety meds, that would do a number on her, in many ways. (And no, I did not say she had taken a drink. I said IF...you cannot mix alcohol with meds like that.)
  10. Oh, dear...please keep us posted. I will keep praying. With me and mold, I get to feeling like I have the flu...my legs ache (and I'm not talking just a twinge here and there...I'm talking a HUGE ache) and I mostly have to go to bed (and I am not somebody who takes to the bed for every little thing). Bless your heart. :cray:
  11. Ate there about an hour ago, actually. I had the chicken souvlaki on pita with a side of pasketti instead of fries. I also REALLY like their eggplant parmesan (as well as their chicken parmesan). Their fettucini afredo is good as well.
  12. Oh, good one! Reverse psychology. I like it.
  13. Oh, honey, I feel for you, I truly do. I have the same reaction to mold. What in the world has caused it, do you think? I'll pray for a quick resolution.
  14. Martino's. I can't deal with cooking today.
  15. I will pray for the little feller!
  16. Whatever happened, it's awful. I personally just can't see "falling" over a 5-foot-high railing. That's at my chin, and I'm 5'9". As always, the kid suffers the most...
  17. I believe there's a beekeeper's association - Atlanta area, maybe? My dad used to get tons of information from orgs like that.
  18. SAY WHAT?!?!? When I was a kid, we were never allowed to have any dessert in restaurants, and we rarely (maybe once a week) had dessert at home. GAH!!!
  19. Odd...I don't remember anything particularly bad about Cherokee when I was a kid. I was through there a couple of years ago and it seemed ok then as well. PS - I'm 3/8 Indian (ok, Native American). Please tell Harrah's that I JUST WANT MY FAIR SHARE. (I believe you have to live on the reservation. Plus, all of that 3/8 isn't Cherokee. I'm just sayin'. )
  20. Hear, hear. A tax is a tax is a tax. When this bunch of dirty, rotten scoundrels starts CUTTING SPENDING (and I don't mean pennies here and nickels there), then we can talk. Until then, SHUT THE HELL UP about raising taxes. OF ANY KIND. Don't give me this crap about shifting, changing, earnings, whatever. IT'S A TAX. I voted Democrat last time for the second time in my life, and I will do so again if these Republicans don't start paying attention.
  21. You know, BW, you haven't caused a big uproar in quite some time. Be workin' on that...see if you can't get folks all riled up with one of your fake topic titles.
  22. I live in Acworth and work in Kennesaw, but before I got this job, I had already decided that if I got a job downtown I was DEFINITELY doing the bus thing. It's like having a chauffeur! OK, maybe not as ritzy, and not as quiet, but a lot less expensive, and you can REST (or read or whatever) and you aren't the one doing the traffic-fighting. I would totally go for that. I love the idea of that GRTA thing from the movies in Harm. Edited to add that there's a park-n-ride thingy in Acworth as well that I would have used.
  23. One of THE prettiest places I have ever been. I like rain/clouds, so that wouldn't bother me, but all that moisture makes it just absolutely lovely.
  24. I got one at Lowe's (before I started my boycott on account of rudeness by everyone from salesnoids on up to and including the store manager). It's ok. If I were doing it again, I'd go the red wagon route, although it does have a handy adapter that lets you pull it with the lawn tractor.
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