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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I think it's that they're SUCH a private couple not given to PDAs. (And given the ubiquity of tongue-down-the-throat kisses we see from other folks on a regular basis, I thought it was rather refreshing.) In another life (if he weren't who he is), I think they'd have chosen a VERY low-key wedding with only a few guests.
  2. The Prince of Wales footed the bill for the wedding, except for an estimated $20M for security, I believe.
  3. And is the British National Anthem, which is probably what prompted the salute. I loved it. Every piece. I LOVED her gown...I knew she wouldn't go with something stupid. Beautifully, wonderfully done, and beautifully worn by Kate. Oh, just so lovely. (And thank God, not one of those ubiquitous strapless numbers.) I adore the boys as well - I LOVED that they both went out of Clarence House last night and met with folks who were camped out there. THAT is where one sees their mother in them. Well done, folks...well done.
  4. So the top made it not good? Or was it otherwise not as good and the top irritated you on top of (pun intended...heh) that? Inquiring minds want to know. Where was this? You can name it in the post; just not in the title. Me, I'm waiting anxiously for the peach shake at CFA to come back. I've been craving one since about November.
  5. Seriously. I can't believe how many people I hear about (including elderly neighbors) who just open the door to anybody and everybody. I don't open the door for anybody I don't know, even if they see me standing there. If they want to say something to me, they can yell it through the window.
  6. Dude! I'm sorry you had such a crappy day. And I do pray the young lady will be ok.
  7. mei lan


    I wish somebody wanted to put a cell phone tower on my property. I could use the $$$.
  8. Oh, as to the original question, we'd go to the basement; two poured concrete walls on the north and west sides of the house, thankfully. Then hope the two upper floors of the house don't fall in on us.
  9. In preparation, practice looking as stupid as possible, have snuff dripping out of the side of your mouth, and above all, don't forget to say, "It sounded like a FREIGHT TRAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!!!" in the hickest accent possible.
  10. Hey, did you get that boxer/shepherd mix? Glad you got him, whoever he is, anyway!
  11. Some of the county schools in the north part of the county are closing early as well. Major damage. My sister works at one school and had a hard time getting to her little boy at another school. She got him, though, and they're headed down here ahead of the next round. She had one tree down in her yard.
  12. I think it's the best thing since sliced bread. I am a news/politics junkie from way back, and I am appalled that our county has no real news source - except for pcom. I love it that I can come here and find out what's going on, both officially and unofficially. I know it does take a tremendous amount of money and time and effort, and I do thank you, Pubster.
  13. Stopped eating at Doug's in Emerson for awhile because the food had just gotten so bad. But went last week, and it was FANTASTIC. Went the next night, same thing. Went last night, fantastic again. Also noticed the last time I was in that part of Cartersville that Doug's Jr. is no longer open. Which made me wonder if it's changed hands? Or maybe they closed one restaurant and just got a reeeeeeeeeally good cook for the one place. Whatever...I'm enjoying the food.
  14. What she said (natch). Yes, I will be watching even though I'll have to go to work and record the rest.
  15. I've had good experiences with VWs, but I will say that once upon a time, I was dead set on buying a Jetta, and went into the store on 41 with loan approved for the amount. Waited and waited and WAITED for 20 minutes on the showroom floor (even told a receptionist I was there to buy a car) and nobody even so much as looked at me. So, I walked around outside adn looked over cars on the lot, waiting on someone to finish with another customer, and went back inside and waited another 20 minutes. Nothing. I left and bought another car that day at a dealership down the road where the sales dude
  16. All I know is, this is one of the best commercials EVER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R55e-uHQna0
  17. Hey, bw, thanks or putting that song n my head...now I'll be singing it all dang day.
  18. mei lan


    Thank you, CC, for updating us with some real information.
  19. mei lan


    Oh, heck, we don't know...we're just mouthin' off. I do hope she's ok, though.
  20. mei lan


    Well, whoever it was, they needed a good thumpin'. Say, Blondie...me and you should'a' gone out there...we'd have showed 'em a thing or two.
  21. Quit yer whinin'. Nobody's even spent $9.47 on me in court this year. (NOT THAT I WANT ANYBODY TO, you understand. )
  22. Well, let's see - they were filed five years ago and haven't been heard, so I would call that stalled. In addition to which, the judge in the case RULED that the county had been illegally stalling (violation of the anti-SLAPP law). So yes, I would say stalled.
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