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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. AT&T DSL (started off with BellSouth). I'm in NE Paulding. I've heard that some folks have had terrible troubles with them, but I've been pleasantly surprised with the good DSL service, the customer service, and no troubles with billing.
  2. I'm not much help today; I've been down the last few weeks myself. But I will say this - if you are anything like your online persona, you are a lovely person, and I always enjoy reading your posts. Here's hoping somebody will step in and tell us a few jokes to make us laugh.
  3. What does his pediatrician recommend?
  4. Like DirecTV. I could be a spokeperson for them. Great service (goes out for me less than cable ever did), lower bills than cable ever was for me (even with annual increases), more channels for the money, awesome customer service. And I stumbled into using them. I was going with cable, only Comcast didn't know if they were the provider in my area. Six weeks after I moved in, Comcast FINALLY called me back and told me they were, in fact, my cable provider, but I laughed and told them I'd been with DirecTV for a month. I'll never go back to cable if I have the option of DirecTV.
  5. OHHHHHHH. Sometimes it takes me while.
  6. You got it, baby! At least I have good company there.
  7. I'm so confused. But then, that's pretty much where I live.
  8. Ditto that! We enjoy it so much (esp. 4yo nephew), and he will love to see Santa.
  9. Will Santa be back this year?
  10. Oh, my heart hurts for you, Caboose. Surely that is the deepest grief a person can experience...
  11. Summary of information on "Eve": http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-3037
  12. You are correct, sir! I was thinking since what I read happened in the 50s that it must be "Eve", but it was indeed "Sybil". Apropos of nothing, I thought the movie "Eve" was 8,000 better (and FAR more believable) than "Sybil" (saw both as an adult). http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/sybil_is_one_big_psych_out_NaIEczKkVakx8ZLLi7GQPI http://www.fmsfonline.org/sybil.html http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/books/sybils-psychosis-a-frauds-slip-20111104-1mzqz.html ** For the record, I am not vouching for the authenticity of the book or the articles linked. I'm just passing on w
  13. Hmmm...it's been a couple of weeks. Seems like I read something in the NYT, but can't swear to that. Give me a few...I'm having to sneak in a little work here and there.
  14. Had to look it up...otherwise known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Might not be a real good time to do that, since the lady who was the original "Eve" on which the book/movie/whatever "Three Faces of Eve" was based, has recently been shown to have faked everything. Somebody discovered some letters from her recently or something. I'm sure they could hire experts to sound convincing, however.
  15. Oh, I don't think they'd have to get word to anybody to take care of him; I think the inmates would do it all on their own. Probably why he's being kept out of the gen. pop.
  16. ALWAYS!!! This reminds me that my mother saw a little girl (she said NOT older than 9 or 10) drive a golf cart to that CVS and back towards Seven Hills by herself last summer. Freaked me right out. I don't care if she lived in the very first house in Seven Hills! GAH!!!
  17. Uh..."sharpest" wouldn't have been my choice of words for Mr. Cook. Not that he's not smart; he is. I'm just sayin'...
  18. I'll bet it won't start in January, esp. if it's a capital case. Those cases have FLURRIES of pre-trial motions which have to be heard and ruled on. I know of a capital case that didn't go to trial for 4 1/2 years because of the defense filing well over 100 motions.
  19. I always check. I used to send back a snopes link, but now I just don't bother unless it's somebody I know pretty well.
  20. You make a great points. I meant what I said about never thinking about it with my siblings...it honestly never enters my head to think, "Oh, they weren't born from my mother." They are my sister and brother, period. But the ones who REALLY get on my nerve with it are the news media talking about famous people, a la "Katherine Heigl's adopted daughter Naleigh" or "Ronald Reagan's adopted children Maureen and Michael". GAH!!!!
  21. My thinking as well. O/T, but Pubby, did you see where those Righthaven morons have been ruled against so much they're pretty much bankrupt and definitely on the run? Couldn't happen to a better bunch.
  22. Haven't heard about it, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. I live not too far from there (although not in Seven Hills) and I must admit I have some overly-hysterical neighbors who state rumor as fact. I'd be interested to know about this as well, though.
  23. Weird. The AJC reported she was still receiving foster child income from NY as of her bankruptcy filing last Friday. And you're right - I read the news with a huge dose of skepticism unless and until I learn otherwise. The reason I mentioned him being a foster child/adopted/whatever is that this may give insight into his mindset. Very often adopted children have issues from their family of origin that aren't always dealt with. (I feel qualified to speak on this matter since my two siblings are adopted. FTR, I love them as much as I would love a bio sibling, and I never think of their
  24. I dunno...they might not let him. Depends on if the DA thinks he'll get into trouble with the electorate if he doesn't go for the death penalty. Also, if some death-penalty trial nimrod like Jimmy Berry attaches himself to Brunn, they won't go for a plea (which may depend on what evidence they have...if it's iron-clad, they might do the plea thing). I have heard of (although it's rare) a defendant pleading guilty and agreeing to leave the death penalty on the table (just having a sentencing trial, IOW).
  25. lowrider is obviously the queen of this thread. Thanks for the laughs!
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