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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. 100 is a pretty drive, but 27 is the scary one of which I spoke. :shudder:
  2. Bless your heart...you just keep telling yourself that.
  3. Well, I reckon it's pretty and all, but the road is a bit scary going south to north. Going down the other side, you're in the outer lanes and the road just kinda hangs off the hill. Esp. before they worked on it substantially.- that section of road was prone to caving away and it always seemed like you were just about to slide off the mtn. Gah!
  4. Hey, now...I give you a like every once in awhile when you say something I agree with! Ah, dammit, I was gonna like this but I'm out again. Let the rabble-rousing begin! If we can't have more likes, let's burn this joint down!
  5. Sheesh!!! That would scare the crap out of me!!! Heck, it kinda scares me in dry, sunny weather!
  6. I thought of you when I first read about this. Seriously, you are one of my heroes (and that is a VERY short list). I hold MsGaStorm in high esteem as well.
  7. DVD is a great amateur weather dude (and he's VERY good) on a Web site called Georgia Outdoor News. Go to gon.com and go to the bottom of the forum list to Around the Campfire and look for the winter weather thread. It's just a hobby for him, but he's really good. We wound up with 5", and may I remind y'all that the '93 blizzard was in March.
  8. I have a friend with severe PTSD from serving four tours in Iraq/Afg...he got his dog through Wounded Warrior Project, I'm thinkin'. He wakes him up when he has nightmares and does a bunch of other stuff like reminding him to take his meds, etc. It's been very good for him.
  9. I've heard both, but not in particular about this bill. EXACTLY.
  10. During the '93 blizzard, we had a collie/lab mix...he went INSANE over the snow (I was at the parents' house in Rome...18-23" with shoulder-deep drifts). He would go romping UP AND DOWN the road as fast as he could, ears flying, and looking happy as a pig in slop.
  11. Take a look at the Berry eagle cam - snow everywhere in the next and she's sort of hollowed out a little place to sit. I'd post a pic, but I don't know how to capture one. I love the little rascals! I esp. love the little noises they make. Has Coco been out today?
  12. I've known about the Siberia ones for awhile. I read the Siberian Times occasionally. (Yes, I really do. ) THOSE are not government-sanctioned international tunnel openings. Those are sad, clumsy attempts to bully their way into our tunnel network.
  13. The kids on the street are already at work on a giganto snowman. This is looking out our front door. Woo hoo!
  14. That's the one of the government-sanctioned international tunnel openings...will eventually connect to domestic tunnel system.
  15. Dude - it's MEDICAL marijuana and can be administered in pill or oil form. Geez. Pray you or your family never needs such a thing. Has the Senate also passed a version? If not they'll have to pass one then the two will have to be reconciled before it goes to the governor for signature.
  16. Big purty snow in Rome... Blondie, I love your avatar on the GON web site.
  17. I think you're being sarcastic here, but I'm serious. I really do think that. I generally agree with you on stuff, but on pcom/tp, I agree with my twin stradial. I do find your input interesting, though. And Pat knows that while I disagree with him on many, many things, I am one of his biggest fans.
  18. .Agreed. And at least they're focusing on important things instead of silly crap like medical marijuana. :|
  19. We flew Frontier to Denver a couple of years ago...first experience and they were GREAT. Planes clean, personnel EXCEPTIONALLY nice. I'd totally fly with them again. Oh, and each plane has a wild animal on its tail.
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