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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I was gonna make a comment, but then my mind was completely traumatized by hurstsq's avatar. :faint:
  2. Didn't the board beat this topic completely to death like a year ago?
  3. AH...I never thought about this. Apparently it behaves differently in above-ground pools than in in-ground pools, then. Sorry. Brown's has never tried to sell us too many chemicals. My chemical total is generally less than $200/year, including opening and closing chemicals (keep in mind this is for an in-ground pool). There's a lady at the Hiram location who's pretty rude, but I generally avoid her if I can. I have only heard GREAT things about the BBB method. That web site has some great info. Not to be a spoil sport, but what about a fence? I'm not bugging you, but the
  4. I have no opinion on above-ground pools, but I must put in a good word for Brown's. They installed an in-ground pool for us several years ago and did a very good job. We are still very pleased. And I do second the motion to go with salt water. I have hated pools all my life because of the chlorine...till we got this salt water one, and it is sooooooooo nice.
  5. Gimme another week, and I'll load you up.
  6. Wow. FANTASTIC of the Urgent Care folks to know what to do!!! Keep us posted, friend... We'll be praying.
  7. Laura Leigh Farms? I think they're a commerce member (or were?). Don't have any other info...
  8. Sorry, honey - I just cleared out all the milk, bread and tp from Kroger. You're on your own.
  9. mei lan


    Um...panic and anxiety do not equal psychosis. Psychosis is a literal break from reality. Primary care doctors can prescribe SSRIs that also treat panic/anxiety just like any other doctor. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/psychoticdisorders.html
  10. I WAS TOLD THERE WOULD BE NO MATH!!!!!!! :sobbinguncontrollably:
  11. What was the point of the ME video? That he didn't do the Lanzas till last and acted rather oddly? I can answer both of those - he didn't do the Lanzas first because he had a makeshift morgue set up on site and those people were waiting to claim the bodies of their babies who had been left where they had fallen. I'm guessing a few of the kids were Jewish, which would have necessitated a quick burial as well. RE: his odd manner - by definition of his being a scientist, he is a strange and weird person. Medical examiners are pathologists. They are not known for their people skills...
  12. Charlie Reese went off the rails a little in recent years but he's dead on the money here. It's that way because they want it taht way. And I still propose to have the salaries of Congresscritters to be the salary of the average military person, and I propose taht they be covered under the same health and retirement plans of the average military person. Instead of having country club salaries, health plans and retirement plans as they now do. THEY are not subject to the laws they pass for the ress of us (many of them).
  13. I have a good knowledge of water heater PRVs and house PRVs and expansion tanks and such since having a major issue several years ago. Thankfully, the old one finally died, so now we have a spiffy nice new one. Woo hoo!
  14. I heartily second those who said drive it day and night, weekdays and weekends. Don't just base an opinion on one pass through an area.
  15. OK, an egg without a shell would seriously freak me out. Glad surepip already chimed in. He knows things.
  16. Are they the same folks who used to be on 41 near Day's Chevrolet and their trailer was stolen? If so, they cook THE MOST AWESOMEST BBQ EVER!!! I might have to drive down to Dallas and check 'em out. I loves me some good BBQ.
  17. I actually think - and this shows just how stupid they are...the GOP, I mean - that the subject was brought up by the Democrats. George Stephanopolous brought up aboortzion or birth control or something to one of the candidates for something on the Sunday morning show, and they were stupid enough to answer it. Then the hearings for whatever they were for brought Sandra Fluke into it, and they just kept digging themselves deeper and deeper. I swear, I cannot believe how gullible and stupid they really are. But the strategery was really brilliant, if you think about it, by the Dems. They ha
  18. Barry, you been hangin' around stradial?
  19. That is the first thing I notice about him every time I see him (the hair dye). Ah...excellent point. We often perceive things differently in hearing vs. reading. Geez, I still can't get over ANY of these guys sounding off.
  20. Well, from the article, it did seem to me that he was trying to explain biologically what happens during a trauma or great stress, and that same can cause a woman not to ovulate. And he does state at the end that he's not defending their comments, and that Akin's wrong that a pregnancy could not occur. But I just wish these dweebs would keep their mouths SHUT. Why on earth they keep talking about crap like this is beyond me. If somebody asked me the question he's apparently trying to answer here (why was aboortzion such an issue in the campaign), I'd just say I don't know and move on. But
  21. I'm in NE Paulding; we have American (which bought out Liberty who we were originally with). I've been happy with them. They pick up weekly and have a good recycling thing. Picks up same day as regular trash, but with different truck. We recycle way more than we have usual trash since they delivered their recycle can. Seems like it's $16 or $17/month.
  22. I'm loving the vintage patterns I've found. My problem is deciding which ones I want to do...I like them all.
  23. I haven't responded here because my list would be too dang long. TOO. DANG. LONG. Saith she who wants to move to the end of a little dirt road that runs off a little paved road in the middle of nowhere in the middle of 500 acres.
  24. Well, I don't feel so bad after reading this. I'm a very good driver normally, and I curbed a wheel on a new car once, and about cried. You are a strange and weird person. Which is why we like you.
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