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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Of course not! You and unionmom are my neighbors on either side of my 500 acres (with your own 500 acres each), who I pledge to come visit at least once a year.
  2. It's my understanding (take that for what it's worth, which may not be much) that it was decided, and that Georgia passed a law later outlawing the execution of mentally disabled people (or whatever the correct term is these days). And the appellate court is now saying that since it's against the law, this guy shouldn't be put to death. Sounds like rather a done deal, with something having to happen to formally rescind the death sentence and change it to life without parole or something. I'm a proponent of the death penalty (when it's properly done, which isn't often these days), but I don'
  3. Well, that is crap about the tax now. However, interesting that they own fabric.com...I did not know that. They're located in the Dave & Buster's park there at Delk/Franklin.
  4. Thank you for commenting on this story. It really is so important for us to be aware of special needs children/people.
  5. I have heard the same thing. I missed you, but figured you had gone to Florida with the goggies. We need to do lunch.
  6. Oh, yeah - I forgot about that.
  7. If I ever have a crisis that needs good PR (God forbid), Imma hire you. Just sayin'.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised at anything Nathan Deal does. Whatever it is, IMHO, it will be in his own best interests.
  9. Check autotrader.com and Craig's List (although BE CAREFUL about CL).
  10. Ditto that, chickie. And if the hospital really was stupid enough to reassign personnel in order to accomodate his wishes, they deserve to be sued. Another thought - my then-16yo nephew was at Shepherd for 10 weeks or so several years ago after a horrible car accident. Most of his nurses (two of them males) were black, and they were FABULOUS. I cannot for the life of me think why anyone would care WHO is caring for a sick person if they know - and care - about what they are doing.
  11. Agreed. I cannot ever be sad when an execution is delayed in such a case as this.
  12. Excellent. Not that this drove her to suicide, because that is just the ultimate sadness. But excellent because the grandmother is the one who raized the older child most of his life until McCready regained custody of him last December. And this way they'll stay together. I'm just so sorry about this whole situation. What talent, and what opportunities, all gone. And on a related thought, I hope Roger Clemens has nightmares till the day he dies over his part in the train wreck her life became.
  13. I did read about the video. And oh, Tabby - I hadn't even thought of that about your son. I'm sure you have been over every scenario possible in your head a million times. I'm just so sorry you're having to go through this. I'm still praying for you every day. :cray:
  14. You're right - the elderly (and most other people who take regular meds) do much better when they're organized like that. I like the little pill boxes with each day marked. I've also seen them with double things for each day for those who may have to take morning and night meds.
  15. I think I would be bored out of my skull in that industry, precisely because of things like this. But then, I'm not an actor, and I suppose that's a good thing.
  16. I read just now in the latest Daily Mail article that the police were planning on questioning her again about her boyfriend's death because things just don't add up the way she originally stated. I'm guessing that would be a major factor in what happened, and if she really did kill him, double that. What a sad, troubled life.
  17. Yes, he was reawwy scawed of the big bad robber locked away in the bathroom. That poor girl. She so did not deserve that.
  18. Duh...chicken. C comes before E in the alphabet.
  19. Several residences around the country hate you, too.
  20. I'm guessing he does. Oh, and just for deewee:
  21. Better her than me. This is actually the sole reason I don't have FB.
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