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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Good heavens - we certainly have eclectic musical tastes in this thread...Joe Walsh, John Denver, and Foo Fighters. I'll take Joe Walsh every time. Special thanks to stradial for the earworm (at least it's a good one, for once!), and welcome home, zc.
  2. I need to take two vacations and no spring cleaning. Saith the sloth.
  3. WOW...20 years! I had gone to stay with my dad in Rome because my mother had to work (I was living in Atlanta at the time). They got 23", and I fell into a drift up to my shoulders. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. The cows stayed in the woods for a day and a half, and finally made a trail through the snow and trudged up to the pond after everything settled down. The sky was REALLY weird and there was thundersnow. That cured me of ever wanting to see a lot of snow again. They were without power for eight days, and I was marooned there. At least we had hot water, could coo
  4. Ditto here. RE: antenna - some places aren't suitable for an antenna (mine being one of them). I have a lot of hills/valleys around, so the signal gets lost. There's some web site or other where you can enter your address to see if you could use it, but I can't remember what it is.
  5. They're just now finding this out? Ye gods. At any rate, I'll prolly keep taking the Z-Pak and keep my handy-dandy fibrillator close by. heh
  6. I keep forgetting y'all are married to each other. Anyhoo, have you checked the HOA rules for the subdiv.? Many times they will not allow one house on two lots.
  7. That's vulgar and disgusting, I don't care who does it. And no, the comments haven't gone that far.
  8. Congratulations, SP! What a great thing. And I love the animal stories!
  9. If you wanna drive an hour, Berry College is stunning.
  10. I don't think anyone was questioning anyone's right to make remarks. I think the question was the tone of remarks.
  11. I get what you're saying, and I am adding you and your son to my prayers. Please keep us updated on how he's doing from time to time. This was the first I knew of his illness.
  12. Awww, thank you! I know a number of RC folks who are right as rain. Some are even saved. (THAT WAS A JOKE, PEOPLE!!!) Serious bidness, I'm not into slamming other people's beliefs. Obviously I don't agree with them because I'm not one of them, but I also respect their beliefs. I'd congratulate nice Muslims if I knew them upon the selection of a new imam (as long as it wasn't the Twelveth Imam... ). I did snicker.
  13. WOO HOO!!! +1000!!! Amen and AMEN!!! You are my hero!!! :clapping: Damn skippy.
  14. Wow! Dude, that was so believable! You really had me going there! Don't know what's up with this guy's family, but I do know that people see what they want to see. I personally would kick his arse all the way home from TX, IF I even decided to go get him. Help a FB refusenik out here...additional info?
  15. I'm thinkin' if it was Old Cartersville some of the New Hopers (as well as I) would have heard it.
  16. If by buy you mean purchase, I doubt that highly. The Norks are an incredibly destitute people. I'm attaching a picture of North and South Korea at night, pursuant to stradial's post. The country to the south is South Korea, and the country to the right is Japan.
  17. I'm not RC, but I've heard that whoever is selected has to accept before it becoming official. I've not heard of this guy before today, but he sounds totally legit, and he sounds like he has a good heart. God bless him. And I LOVE the name he chose - Pope Francis. Awesome.
  18. Just make out with your girlfriend in his backyard and you can keep an eye on what he's doin'.
  19. See, I differ with many/most people here. I wouldn't give the other woman another thought, other than in this instance (crossroads's situation) I would dump her as a friend. Because there will ALWAYS be other women. The problem isn't with them; it's with the dork loser of a husband who thinks it's ok to cheat. They just happened to be available. So what is it?
  20. Is it privately owned or privately operated? Two different things. Can't tell from their web page. Also, the local juvenile justice facility is an RYDC, not a YDC. The RYDCs are shorter-term facilities; the larger YDCs are longer-term facilities. http://www.djj.state.ga.us/FacilitiesPrograms/fpRYDCAndYDC.shtml http://www.djj.state.ga.us/FacilitiesPrograms/fpRYDCMain.shtml
  21. Yep. I still use two spaces anyway, because that's how I learned. I also happen to think it looks nicer with a tiny bit more separation between sentences. OH, and DANG YOUR HIDE for bringing up such a controversial topic that gets people all riled up!!!
  22. And well you should be. And, well, you should be.
  23. I agree with stradial 99.477574847% of the time as well, so we may be triplets! And weird Jenilyn is prolly our cousin. Bless their hearts...I do not doubt this.
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