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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Blondie's cartoon is classic. These days, I prefer not to get into a fracas with people over most anything. I've mellowed a lot in my later years, and I finally figured out that there's enough crap in the world that I don't want to add any deliberately to my life. Unless it's something really important to me that I feel compelled to make a comment on for some reason, I don't even usually say anything. Because absent a real discussion between two unemotional, rational, respectful people, I'm not gonna persuade anybody to my viewpoint anyway. That's just my $.02. As far as people making
  2. I hate people, I really do. Edited to add that I don't know how the daycare stays in business if it doesn't have liability ins. to cover a major disaster. No way would I operate one, I know that.
  3. what does life support have to do with anything? Were people saying let him die? (I'm not on FB, you know, so I'm not getting the story from anywhere but you.) At any rate, I don't care where they get their money, and I still say the day care's liability insurance should be shelling out MAJORLY to cover all medical care and future needs of this child. I'm sorry, but he was dreadfully injured while he was in their care. I would never say so to her, because that's between Stacy/Bill and them, but it's just something I've thought about.
  4. I look at it this way - say you were in charge of the safekeeping of a priceless treasure...a Ming vase, or the POTUS, etc. Would you lock them in the car in full view while you ran inside Wal-Mart? Would you forget they were there and leave them in a hot car for hours on end, as so many have done? How much more priceless is the life of a child than those examples, and yet people are so cavalier. :sigh:
  5. Aw, God love it. It's a sweet troll, though!
  6. Well, hey, Jack - go big or go home!
  7. Blondie is da bomb. Serious bidness.
  8. I can't imagine why...all you have to do this week is sit around on the sofa watching soaps and eating bon bons.
  9. Yeah, he called the switchboard the other day to get the number of a cardinal he wanted to call, and apparently Popes never do things this ordinary. He said I'm Pope Francis and I need the number for whoever, and the switchboard guy said, yeah right, and I'm Napoleon.
  10. I think your approach here is very good. I'm glad you are close, and I think the guilt (deserved or not) is to be expected in such a situation. I really like your offer of a room in your home and paid college. That's a sound plan...maybe he'll wake up soon and take you up on it.
  11. I'm not even RC, and I love this guy!!! He's washing the feet of some kid prisoners in a jail near the Vatican for Holy Thursday service instead of having some formal service.
  12. You and Mommy2two make some excellent points.
  13. Actually, it's not redrawing the state lines, but rather going back to the way they were originally stated to be. A survey was off years and years ago which is how it got to where it is now. The revision of the lines would put it back to where it's supposed to be.
  14. Agreed. Like I said, my mother is not a crier, and yet I know she feels every bit as deeply as I do (and I'm a crier).
  15. We got a new one about two years ago, and the Home Depot plumber who installed it said the same thing as Ms. Ga. Storm and Guard Dad - the new ones have ventilation built-in, so it does not have to be elevated. We had a permit.
  16. Filed under the "What a dumbass" category. I'm glad he got his car back, but that does infuriate me. Edited to clarify that said dumbass being the moron who stole it and redid the ignition, not the owner.
  17. My theory is because they're such majestic, magnificent beasts, who always seem to want to do the right thing (even the stubborn ones...they just want to do it in their own time... ). You shoe donkeys? I did not know this! I've never been around donkeys much, but they are one of my favorite animals. I love their sweet faces. On a related topic, that mule-trainer girl's show on RFD is one of my favorite shows.
  18. Wow. Others (like momof3) feel your pain. Your post is one of the most mentally-healthy things I have ever read about such a situation. GOOD FOR YOU!!! Excellent advice, twin. I esp. like the part about each person being different, and perhaps having different needs.
  19. I have several friends with upwards of 1,000 FB friends. I would be inundated exponentially with stuff if I were on there.
  20. Daddy's was nice, but not extravagant; cost was around $7500. Could go a lot higher with price of casket, etc. They already had the cemetery plot, which would be another expense.
  21. Dude!!! I'm so jealous! My brother knows a guy whose wife goes to their church, and she says they are just the same as they appear on TV. How did you happen to meet him? In case you haven't seen it, here's the latest Darius Rucker video featuring some of the Duck Dynasty folks.
  22. Now, that is the one thing I didn't consider in this whole thing. If she is truly whackadoodle, then that would explain the bizarre affect, etc. Esp. if she were on meds for same. Outrageously pathetic allt he way around.
  23. Jase on Duck Dynasty said something like that about not going to his high school reunion the other day...he said, "If I haven't contacted you in 20 years, there's probably a reason." Amen, brother.
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