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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Sounds like he had a good life in later years. Gotta love those second (and third and fourth, etc.) chances. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2296700/Deep-Throat-star-Harry-Reems-dies-aged-65-renouncing-adult-industry-finding-God-successful-realtor.html
  2. VERY smart move by the homeowner. In a different story I read, the LE were very polite and it was clear they were only there in support of the DFCS worker. When he told them to leave, they did.
  3. I was told the same thing. I'd certainly check, because diabetes is not something you want to fool around with.
  4. That does indeed shed more light on this. Sounds like Nanny Bloomberg has gone where other mayors have not gone before. Gee, Rudy made the city safe again without all these shenanigans. Agreed on this situation, and I completely understand about things going south very quickly. The situation you describe is different from what I'm taking away from the NYC thing. The NYT article zoo links to is instructive as to what the actual complaints/procedures are. I back LE's right to be safe, and that's different from what's going on in NYC, as I understand it.
  5. Besides the questionable quality of a teacher who would say such a thing, I'm sure this all has NOTHING to do with the fact that schools get federal dollars for every kid on add meds and the like. I'd have probably come unglued if she'd said that to me about my kid. I salute you. Dr. Denmark was da bomb diggity. Such a great lady.
  6. STOP!!! Y'all are killin' me here! :loudgroan: "Aunt Bea, call the man!" That was also the episode where Opie came down without his shirt because it was so hot and she made him go put on a shirt so he wouldn't look like a naked savage. He shoulda gone before he left home.
  7. I don't think the population at large (and certainly the lazy modern news media) have ever understood military lives. I am a huge backer, and I am of the opinion that they do not get the support they deserve. And whatever they're paid, it's not enough. They are like LE and firefighters...they do the dirty work so we can live civilized lives. I personally think Congresscritters should be paid the average military salary as well, and have the exact same benefits and retirement as the average military member. I salute every military family everywhere...thank you for your sacrifice for the
  8. Well, in light of Mr. Dis's post, if the popo are in a high crime black/latino neighborhood and their frisks fall under the standard listed, then SCOTUS has indeed said it's ok. Reason they're not being discriminated against is because the majority there are black/latino and it's a high-crime area. I'm still not thrilled with it, but that does explain it.
  9. Agreed on all. And good luck on getting through to them. I've been in contact with them about more than one issue, and each time, the response was the equivalent of, "Go away, little girl, and let us run the county." GAH!!! Excellent points there.
  10. Gotta go with Blondie on this one. As a Christian, OBVIOUSLY I believe that people's lives can be changed by God (if they allow Him to work unfettered), and I've seen miracles worked on people that I would have never ever believed would be able to change. HOWEVER, in the instance of abuse, my point of view is if he changes, let some other woman enjoy the change, 'cause I am not riding that merry-go-round again.
  11. Amen. And definitely agree with LGM - DON'T GIVE UP. Teenagers are some of the weirdest people in the universe, but if you are honest with them - no matter if you are different - they will respect you and listen to you. Do not give up. I'm glad you are in therapy. That is a very good thing.
  12. If none of the above works, call around to meat processor plants...they should be able to point you in the right direction. Good info from the above, though.
  13. Hmmmm. Seems a reading of the Constitution might be in order. If your statement had been more black males are in prison than whites because more of them commit crimes than whites, I would agree. However, it's my understanding this isn't in response to a crime, or exigent circumstances, or threatening behavior. It's just pulling over people in high-crime areas just because. Less than 10% result in an arrest. Not a fan am I.
  14. Diagnosis is not just by bloodwork...they give the patient this ultra-sweet disgusting stuff to drink, and then draw blood at timed intervals. If you think she has it, it'd be worth it to get it checked by a real dr., IMHO. She'll have to see one anyway and have the tests done if she has to have meds...they won't go by somebody's glucometer reading. You don't say how old your daughter is, but whatever the age, it's one disease I wouldn't fool around with. It can cause dire complications if you don't stay on top of it. Best wishes.
  15. I don't think anybody would say that there aren't abused men out there.
  16. If you have never experienced dementia up close and personal, get down on your knees and thank the Lord Almighty. It is a whole different world, let me tell you. My dad had non-Alzheimer's dementia, which was increasingly severe, but also sporadic. So sometimes he'd be fine, and other times he'd be trying to climb out the second floor window because the house was sliding down the hill. My mom and I were his caregivers in the years before he walked on ahead in 2007, and we are still recovering. I don't regret one minute of caring for him, but it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my
  17. RIP, Capt. Peacock! Those were some great characters. And I LOVE Onslow!!! Awww...Thornton and his wife married in 1945.
  18. LOVE the name as well! Congratulations, dearest! (And thank you for not naming her Apple. Or Rumer. Etc. )
  19. This is the first mention I've heard of how his care is being paid for. I SINCERELY hope they have or are considering filing a lawsuit against the daycare company's insurance provider. I am NOT a litigious person generally, but they sent their kid there to be safe and well-cared-for, and he was gravely injured. (One might consider negligence either over the limb sticking out [which I don't know if it should have been trimmed or not] or the workers letting the kids play outside as a storm was approaching.) Either which way, their insurance shouldn't be bearing the burden of this expense. A
  20. Yeah, I've completely backed off the FBI chick and am leaning towards the tall black dude being in cahoots with Joe. He could issue orders to back off and nobody would ever know if they came from on high or not. In order for Joe to end up with Claire (that is just a pretty name, btw), he would have to a) win her back, and 2) avoid the law forever. I don't really see either happening. But you never can tell. Maybe he has a private island somewhere we don't know about that he can spirit her away to. I do think Roderick will at least play a part in things going awry. The guy is just
  21. I'm really torn on this one. Do I vote yes to poke the eye of the obnoxious pious holier-than-thou religious nimrods, or do I vote no to poke the eye of the obnoxious sanctimonious dilberts who can't be bothered to buy their likker on Saturday? Decisions, decisions. (I'll vote yes, on account of my libertarianism.) Yeah, that's kinda what the Lord has in mind, too, but you get people involved and everything goes kaplooey.
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