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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'm libertarian and irreverent enough to find the Festivus pole beside the Nativity scene hilarious. Who says God can't have a sense of humor?
  2. mei lan

    My Daddy

    I'm sorry for your loss, HTB.
  3. I know...they moved after I left Smyrna. I know it's silly, but I still like to remember them in the Jonquil Plaza. A piece of history.
  4. HAHAHAHAHAA Ewwwwwwwww!!! hahahahahahahaaa Did he laugh? Bless your heart...what a mess to clean up.
  5. No personal experience, but I do know the Shepherd Center has a section that deals with people with MS. See http://shepherdcenter.org/patient-programs/multiple-sclerosis http://shepherdcenter.org/patient-programs/multiple-sclerosis/faq My nephew was there some years back with a head injury and I cannot sing their praises enough. They are FANTASTIC.
  6. I wish I'd never heard the name Kardashian...even not following gossip about them, I know what's going on with them. I shall ever loathe Ryan Seacrest with a white-hot hatred for foisting them upon us. (He's the ex. producer of their show.) UGH.
  7. I avoid wearing hose when I can, but I agree on the old-fashioned part. Not to worry, though - hose will come back into vogue. You and all the mens reading this.
  8. As an evangelical Christian, I say fine by me. I think the Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, can handle the competition.
  9. I personally find MrsB and tundra to be a bit sketchy and weird. Kinda people that make you wanna cross the street when you see 'em comin'. 'specially that BabyB dude. He sounds really skeery.
  10. Agreed on all, except for the one Geico ad with the farmer who spells cow "c-o-w-e-i-e-i-o" and when the buzzer sounds, he says, "DagNABit!" as he walks away. hahahaaa I love farmers (I am a farmer's daughter), and I can't remember the last time I heard someone say dagnabit IRL.
  11. Go sit in the Luddite corner with stradial.
  12. mei lan

    My Daddy

    Been where you are, hon. The hardest times are always for those of us left behind. I pray God's blessings on y'all.
  13. True story. Also, McEntyre's Bakery in Jonquil Plaza (till they moved). Mmmmmmmmmmm.
  14. I will, but be prepared for a thorough background check. This government wants to be sure things are really done right, doncha know.
  15. Oh, mojo - your optimism is so cute. Bless your heart.
  16. Holy cow. You and stradial make a heck of a screenwriting team. Awesome.
  17. Yep, yep, yep. :noddingvigorously:
  18. Listen, peon, you just hush and let the all-wise smart peoples take care of the big decisions for us. They know best.
  19. Amen, and thank you, sir, for remembering. The fine men and women of the Greatest Generation are on their way out. I salute them all.
  20. Yes, but they know best. We really are ignorant peons and we must acknowledge that they know better than we do, and that they can make decisions on how to spend our money better than we can. I, for one, feel very fortunate to be ruled by such excellent and benevolent leaders. I gotta say, that Mr. Swafford sure does have a winning way with words, doesn't he?
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