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Everything posted by copschick

  1. South Paulding Jr Spartans is a GREAT organization. I'm sad we wont be with them next year Go to juniorspartans.com They are about to start a spring wrestling practice season.
  2. Lowrider, I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the hurt you are going through. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers, as will the rest of your family. Savor your memories of her and look forward to seeing her again
  3. yay for you and Papi!!! :clapping: now I am inspired...thanks for all the links...shortly there will be less copschick to love!
  4. More...wait till it increases more. Food is already sky flipping high. Thank goodness for chickens and a garden...at least we can eat eggs and veggies! Many people don't realize the overall impact the price of fuel makes. It's ridiculous.
  5. lol...I really try not to do that. It makes my pretty little head hurt.
  6. you aren't weird. I love studying psychopaths, sociopaths, and the like. Very intriguing.
  7. We use West Atl, but Chad is my boys' favorite! They love him!
  8. "Massatooshiits" instead of Massachusettes
  9. lol UGH where did this come from??? Its not even a dang word!!!!
  10. True Crime books...the ones written by the investigators and others involved! I also like a good memoir, provided the person is one I admire
  11. We LOVE going to the Rome Braves games!!! So much fun and not so expensive! Glad y'all had a good time! And yes, the leftover money for beer is fabulous!
  12. LOL no...Because I'm a compulsive underachieving crybaby loser! DUH!!!
  13. So after getting blessed out on the phone yesterday at work, I decided to go get pampered! I went to Lucky Nails on Due West Rd. It is located in the shopping center across the street from Due West Elementary. Anyway, Chin, my new BFF, gave me the BEST foot rub EVER!!!! Usually when you go in for a pedicure, they rub for a few mins, paint your nails, and get on with life. NOT Chin!!! He sat there and rubbed my legs and feet for about 20 mins. OH DEAR LORD, I felt so much better when I left! So anyway, for any of you interested, go see him...he rocks!
  14. that's hard to do when the parents themselves don't seem to have any good sense themselves
  15. Went through my post about 10 times after reading this....nope...saying I didn't like my job wasn't in there. I was having a bad day...good grief. I think we are allowed those every once in a while. BTW, good for you that your life is perfect and you've never had to deal with a rude person on the other end of a phone line I'm jealous No joke!!! LOL I personally like that I am a crybaby loser...glad to know this person knows me so well.
  16. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I you!!!
  17. Yep, and normally a decent magazine. At our peds office, we get stuck in a room with only kid books. My boys and I are not at all interested in those LOL
  18. Sorry...it sucks having to wait. Especially with a little one It makes me mad too...I would rather sit in the waiting room than be locked in the exam room...
  19. Teachers can get phone calls after class...that is normally when the nurses can call back...after patients. So normally, they are calling back between 4:30-5:30. I know WAFL...and I her
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