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Everything posted by copschick

  1. I am coming to your house. I have class though, I won't be over until late, like around 9:30-10:00. You can just leave my plate in the oven, I'll put it in the diswasher when I'm done. Thanks so much!
  2. They are beautiful...I just can't afford one. One day though, when i'm through with school, maybe I can...
  3. I guess that is why you should be careful who your friends are
  4. I have never seen lasting effects. Normally if the 1st few days it doesn't clear up, they will do what is called a C&S (culture and sensitivity) to see what "flora" is growing and what particular antibiotic will kill it. If there is not an improvement, get her BACK to the dr and demand a culture be done. Some antibiotics just wont affect the bacteria that is growing, no matter how much is taken.
  5. BL...most doctors that have ANY experience with the elderly know that if an acute onset of confusion happens, to check for a UTI. Yes, with antibiotic therapy she will be just like she was. That was the first thing that we checked at the nursing home. For what ever reason, the confusion was often the first sign that we noticed. Unfortunately, the elderly just don't drink enough and become dehydrated, and that is a HUGE catalyst for causing the infection. Have your sister make sure she drinks. And I understand how you feel. I'm the one that sees after my parents when they need so
  6. When I go to the grocery store, I don't buy vegetables either. Well, potatoes, carrots, and celery, but really thats about it. It doesn't mean we don't eat veggies...we just grow our own. I spend a HUGE amount of time in the kitchen canning/freezing veggies from our summer garden to be used all through the winter. So, because I use coupons and I don't buy veggies doesn't mean we don't eat them...it just means, I prefer not to spend my money on them. Are you sure these people don't do the same?
  7. Just make sure when you ask the questions, that you don't do it all at one time. Wait until he is jUST about asleep then ask....almost asleep again? question....wait....I think he has just dozed off again....BAM question That's the crap Tow always does to me.... Oh, and make sure the question is completely ridiculous too...
  8. DUH....its for her to carry sunglasses so her blinged out vajayjay doesn't blind her!
  9. NC...you aren't vajazzaling, are you?
  10. Surepip... Can I hire you to come cook for me?
  11. Growing up, we had pecan trees....you oughta try and keep those things out of a pool...
  12. Just an above ground. It is one that my parents have had for years, we are taking the aluminum and the deck...have to get a new liner/skimmer/pump, etc. Tow, the boys, and a neighbor are putting it up. It is just going to take a while because of money issues...sigh Still, I'm very excited! You are RIGHT!!!! I am going to need a pool boy! Better start interviewing! Thanks!!!!
  13. Oh yes, I will need lots of testers... And there will probably be burgers and booze involved too
  14. We are starting the process of putting in a pool and due to schedules, all the work involved in installing it, and having to buy things piece by piece, it is going to take forever! I'm so excited, but hate to wait! :yahoo: I want what I want, and I want it NOW! ok.......I'll quit being a spoiled brat now, just needed to rant!
  15. Before I got pregnant with the first one, hubby's mom bought him a bottle of Elizabeth Taylor's Passion for Men because I thought it smelled soooooooooooooooooo good. A few months into being a baby oven, he was getting ready to leave the house and sprayed it and I ran to the bathroom to worship the porcelain gods. :bad: I still can't stomach the smell of that crap...
  16. That is horrible I hope the smelly heffer does NOT get the job!
  17. oh GAWD how I love yellow boxes!!!!!! sigh, what size do you wear...I may wanna buy some of your shoes
  18. I agree, DGITW, my youngest is in a "fluffy" stage as he calls it, but he is aware of it, as am I. Now, I am no itty bitty skinny girl, but I am not going to allow my children to be 700 lbs. That being said, I am not huge either... It's disgusting. Not to mention sad for the children. I understand that there are some circumstances, like thyroid problems, that lead to excessive weight gain...but not that excessive.
  19. Not as many as I would like...more than Tow thinks I need....
  20. I will be having a gourmet ham and cheddar sandwich from cafe' QuikTrip on my way to class this evening LOL
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