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Everything posted by copschick

  1. cattywompus!!!! I love that word!!!!
  2. Wow...how romantic! What a lucky gal that was!
  3. That all depends on which color he likes better! I agree, that's why we moved out here. To get away from it. I have a long drive to work and don't mind my commute because of the peace and quiet I have at my out in the boonies home!
  4. That's awesome!!!!!! Make some for families too...Cobb County BOC thinks we don't need to eat!
  5. Yay for her! How awesome!!!
  6. Maybe he was law enforcement. Tow is always packing. Sign or no sign, he's allowed except in the courthouse and airport...
  7. :wub: I knew you weren't
  8. More water in...more water out. Drink more water and it will flush it outta you...
  9. I have decided how we are going to fix this at my house. One day of pay is equivalent to what my weekly grocery budget is. I've decided to rotate who feeds my kids for those weeks through each board member. I'm going to take them to their offices and sit and let them see who they are STEALING from. I figured that with their 20% raises, they can afford to feed them when we cant becuase THEY voted to take groceries from hungry CHILDREN! :angry2:
  10. I thought it was the fact that EVERY vehicle parked there was a big huge SUV! LOL
  11. ROFL...good morning Go BLUE!
  12. Ok..hang on, lemme splain it better lol Breakfast: 1st meal of the day Dinner: the largest meal of the day (learned this when I worked with old people in the nursing home. They don't call it lunch. Same thing when you eat Sunday dinner right after church....following?) Supper: the evening meal, usually not as large as your midday meal. If it is larger because you eat lunch for your midday meal, then your evening meal is dinner... confusing...I know
  13. Oh, yeah, there are a ton of folks like that. I work in the medical field. Before working in Marietta, I worked in Bremen..20 mins from home. But, I don't complain about my commute...I chose to live where I do, and wouldn't trade my peace and quiet for anything in the world. (We moved from Smyrna where I was near EVERYTHING out here to the boonies)
  14. When we bought our house, fuel prices weren't a major concern. It only cost me 25 bucks to fill up for the week. I don't think anyone could have predicted what would happen. If we could have, everyone could have prepared. But yeah, you are right, you have to be willing to drive. I drive to Marietta everyday, which is cool with me...I have my radio blasting and have a great time driving to work!
  15. And you are right DGITW..in an area that is a little more urbanized, public transportation is an option. Living out in the sticks, it is a little more difficult. That is NOT to say that there aren't things that we can do to help lessen our use of fuel. I have learned how to combine my trips. Goodness knows, if noone tells me to stop and get something on my way home from work, it has to wait until the next day. We try to schedule appts in multiple time blocks, so we aren't driving here there and everywhere. I go straight from work to school and go to a different campus instead of coming hom
  16. LOL not SPICY mustard goofy...just plain ole yellow mustard! And ftr, I don't think ANYTHING helps pregnant heartburn except delivery of the baby!
  17. Its really next to nothing. And they don't need to get rid of all libraries, but they could consolidate. Most of the library employees are not full time, so they could do schedule shifting. And seriously? They keep hiring? Quit flipping hiring and pay the ones ya got!
  18. ROFL...I'm serious...I didn't believe it either, but it really does work! LOL
  19. Now, now...we have to keep the dozens of parks landscaped, chlorine in the aquatic center pools that no one use, and keep all the branches of the libraries going. Who needs police or firefighters? Buy a gun and get a water hose...
  20. Yellow mustard on a kitchen burn will take the sting out. It is also FABULOUS for heartburn; just eat a tsp
  21. What is really the hardest is that I am starting school full time in January. So we were going to be losing some income anyway (I plan on working 36 hrs on the weekends)...now I don't know what to do I have a feeling this 5 day furlough will turn into much, much more
  22. :rofl: I just spit Dr. Pepper at my puter screen!!!! LOL
  23. They have handled it better than most...but they are also wealthier than most. There were ways around ANYONE losing their job, but they didn't want to burden their taxpayers to pay for the services they receive...
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