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Everything posted by copschick

  1. My mom bought hers at Macy's....VERY good selection
  2. Depending on where you go to school. Chattahoochee doesn't participate in Stafford Loans, so I would have to take out private loans, and I hate to admit it, but my credit doesn't really allow for that. Not to mention that I can't afford them....lol
  3. I am 4 classes away from ONLY nursing classes. I'm done with Math, both Psychology classes, Humanities (which I suggest and take Ms. Ashley Strong-Green, she rocks!), one Science left. Summer I'm taking SCT online to have a littel break and then fall I will take Sociology and finish up with English 1102. Then starting in Jan 2012, I will only have nursing classes left ETA: Flash cards are a LIFESAVER!!!!
  4. I'm on to Micro this quarter...GPA is a 3.9, so I've done something right lol
  5. Unfortunately, these are unlike science in high school. OH DEAR GOD A&P was hard!
  6. yep...and I didn't work half of the year last year....sigh....I just want someone to help with books
  7. Chattahoochee. I'm scared to death of science! I don't remember any of that stuff My GPA is good, its just this score I'm worried about. Last class, they didn't take anything lower than like an 86 I think.
  8. Yeah...too much perfume is gross!
  9. Thanks, but this one has me really freaked out. This is like THE test to get into nursing school...
  10. I'm scheduled to take the TEAS on 04/29 and I kinda need to know what areas I need to focus on. I'm so nervous I could puke! :bad:
  11. tango uniform...hahahahahahaha and btw, was the guy cute??? lol
  12. that IS a good idea! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it!!!
  13. wow! Yay for you! I wish we could pay ours off sooner!
  14. depends...if you do an updo, I would put it up near the shoulder, if down, then yes, the hip
  15. yes...absolutely! How gorgeous! An antique broach to add some sparkle and you are good to go!
  16. Luckily, when Tow and I bought our house, we picked the house out THEN got approved for the loan. We probably could have bought a bigger, more expensive house, but this was the one we wanted!
  17. I loved the store Turtles...do y'all remember that? Way better than FYE
  18. yep...I remember that. It was wonderful!
  19. I normally use Cedartown, but they aren't open on Saturdays anymore. Cartersville was ok...just aggravated that I didn't get all the info...
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