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Everything posted by copschick

  1. ROFL...I so missed this post! I'm just tired and frustrated! And they don't take an hour and a half, sometimes, they are with patients and only get a few mins between morning clinic and afternoon clinic. I am all for people calling and leaving a message. And I don't mind helping ppl. Its the rude ones I don't deal really well with. And yes, I'm about to start punching folks!
  2. thats because you are not RUDE! lol we need a raise! :wub:
  3. A-flipping-men!!!!!!!!!
  4. Well, I agree, but since I'm not the boss....lol
  5. We stagger...I go at 11:00, the other group goes at 12:00
  6. Staggering lunch breaks would not help because each nurse is for a specific doctor. So, they don't "take call" for each other. Please don't get me wrong, I am a patient too, so I understand. I just also understand that getting rude with the operator certainly doesn't help anything. As far as you having to wait, I know that is a pain too. But as I pointed out earlier, I don't even lay eyes on a patient. I'm stuck in the back of an office...
  7. well, then make an appt to be seen. the clinic staff is entitled to a lunch break too.
  8. leave a message and wait on a call back.
  9. As I said before, all I do is answer the phone. I never even SEE a patient. I'm stuck in the back of the office. So, I can't help you, but here is a tip...schedule for either 1st in the morning, or 1st after lunch. That way the doctor doesn't have time to get behind. Also, when patients call all damned day long and won't wait on a call back, the nurse has to stop what she is doing to talk to you, which, in turn, leads to a back up. So, just leave a message and they will call you back
  10. Do all of us telephone operators in doctor's offices a favor: DONT CALL BETWEEN 12:00 and 1:30 to speak to a nurse. They have been with patients ALL morning, and they also, believe it or not, want and are entitled to a flipping lunch break. Furthermore, when I answer the damned phone and tell you that they are at lunch...DO NOT get huffy with me...all I'm doing is answering the stupid phone! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Get a grip, folks, really
  11. Although the one down to the right is
  12. give it a bit and try a treatment called Nioxin. It is a shampoo/conditioner for thinning hair. After your hormones level out, it should come back. You may also want to have your iron level checked. Too much/too little can cause your hair to fall out as well
  13. Hormones are a HUGE factor. So, it could be from the change in hormones when you swapped pills
  14. Well I'm certainly not volunteering to walk around holding her boobs all day
  15. Y'all will be fine!!! Use us as your support system
  16. Yep, I did a few years ago. Just put them down. The first couple of weeks was rough, but I made it and it gets progressively easier
  17. uuh...that would be a negative I have mine almost grown...I don't wanna start over. PLUS, I'm spayed LOL
  18. biotin? I just wish it would grow fast...I REALLY miss it
  19. Thanks! I'm gonna try that
  20. make my hair grow really fast? I chopped it all off a few years ago and now I want it back!
  21. Oh no girl...I'm a rockstar in my car and shower LOL
  22. I do it too...the kids don't mind, my husband gives me grief...oh well! lol
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