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Everything posted by copschick

  1. ahem...how do you think we are going to "get away from everyone owning their own private vehicles"?
  2. I'm not trying to be ugly GT..you know I you...but a police, sherriff, and firefighter is a little different than an engineer...
  3. But thank goodness they didn't close the libraries...
  4. IT SUCKS! They have made the insurance so flipping expensive, have not given raises in 3 years, and now are literally taking money from us Geez.... I'll bet none of the commisioners are missing any pay
  5. No, if you want to give up your car, go right ahead. That's your choice. But I'm not self absorbed because I am not willing to do so. I'm being realistic. FOR MYSELF, public transportation would not work. That is reality.
  6. Actually, that depends. Most people eat dinner, not supper. Supper is when you eat "dinner" for lunch ( a heavy meal) and a light meal in the evening...supper. We eat our larger meal in the evening...dinner
  7. I am not the only one that lives out here...I live in a community filled with people. So, I hardly think that I am the only one it wouldn't be a viable option for. And um, YOU were the one that wanted to outlaw ANYONE owning their own car.
  8. And how am I carrying 2 weeks worth of groceries for a family of 4 plus all the pet supplies we have to buy (chicken feed, massive quantities of dog food, etc) on a bus?
  9. awww...thanks! After all, I mean, obviously I am self absorbed all because I think I should be allowed to own my own vehicle...
  10. I know Im exhausted! After working full time, going to school at night, and trying to manage a home with 2 teens and a husband that acts like one (LOL)...I need a week of uninterrupted sleep!
  11. There are some of us that don't exactly live in the "suburbs" either. I'm so far out in the boonies the dang Sheriff's Office can't find my house. Public transportation is not always a viable option. For example, I am 12 miles from the nearest grocery store. Its not very cost effective to have a bus come all the way out to my house to run me to the store. However; my fuel efficient vehicle would be a viable option, as it is parked right in my garage.
  12. Yours could be "resident whackjob" Just sayin'
  13. South...its actually outside of the Myrtle Beach city limits
  14. We didn't do all that touristy stuff. We hung out on the beach and then went to Murrel's Inlet, which is VERY quiet and more the "locals" hangout
  15. I rather enjoy owning my own vehicle, thank you very much I had my own "rolling rave" this morning on the way to work and it put my in a great mood! I don't think I would have had the same outlook had I been crammed in a cattle car with people that wear too much stinky perfume...
  16. I don't know about living there, but I sure like to vacation there... We LOVE it!
  17. I find that it just depends on what mood I am in. Usually, I prefer male authors to female authors. Don't know why...just do.
  18. :yahoo: :rofl: I guess shes just being a crybaby loser
  19. I had to get up too...now I'm wishing I would have just given in and stayed there!
  20. That's right...by my bed! It absoutely did NOT want to let me go this morning! Finally I struggled free and managed to escape...whew! LOL
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