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Everything posted by copschick

  1. I'm not arguing that he was an oil man and that the prices didn't skyrocket. I understand that they did go up. My point is that the annointed one damned sure hasn't done anything about it and the prices have steadily risen while he has been in office as well. Nov of 2009 gas was down to less than $2.00/gal...guess who was sworn in Jan of the following year?
  2. lol I have 2 of them that are like that. Guess they will learn to help in the the garden and with the chickens....oh and they will have great legs! LOL
  3. well, I haven't seen the current administration busting any butts to get the prices down either. As a matter of fact, they have steadily INCREASED since Obama took office. Just sayin... and, I might add, I don't really care whose fault it is, I just wish someone ANYONE would fix it. It's absurd!
  4. I'm getting thinner and thinner just by reading this thread LOL
  5. I wouldn't! We rented from you last year for my son's 8th grade formal and I decided then and there who I would go to for all of our formal occasion needs! For what it's worth, I highly recommend Pat
  6. If it were me...I would get rid of the dog...LOL I'm only JOKING...I had to sew my couch of less than 2 years back together because our lovely labrador retriever ate my couch!
  7. Well, I guess the positive way to look at is this...I won't be able to afford gas, so I can't drive anywhere (good for environment), I will have to walk anywhere I want to go (good for my heart), and I will starve because I won't be able to afford groceries (good for my weight loss goals)...
  8. I'm assuming this is Bush's fault too, right?
  9. You should have come to visit me...I live right there LOL
  10. Poor crazy Chucky.... He has flipped his lid!
  11. yep...always. I give the insurance cards, copies of birth certificates and documents stating that whomever (usually my parents or Tows parents, just depends where the guys are) has our permission to make medical decisions. Life saving treatment would be given no matter what. It's other things like emergency (but not necessarily life saving, lets say orthopaedic, for instance) surgery for example, would be withheld. Oh, I'm not disagreeing that having them notarized is a good thing, but there are state approved documents that do not have to be. My living will, for instance,
  12. Jeni...was it notarized? I know that in some cases they don't have to be notarized and yes, one parent can make that decision, it doesn't take both (background as a healthcare social worker taught me LOTS of ugly things that can happen in a medical emergency). ETA: Documents such as living wills, Do not resuscitate orders, etc, only require the signature of a witness...no notary required.
  13. I am pretty sure all they can do is keep a child stable until a parent/legal guardian/power of atty, etc, etc. can get there. That is WHY it is so important to put steps in place. Sort of like when you sign the form saying that the school can call an ambulance in the event of an emergency. That way they don't have to wait on you to get there. Let's face it, anyone can say that they are you over the telephone...
  14. It never hurts to have things in place, just in case. Yes, they would have treated your child, but only stabilized him (God forbid if something would have happened to the cute lil guy) and then waited for you for further treatment. The document simply gave her the right to "call the shots" so to speak, until you and your hubby got there. It wasn't a bad decision at all...in fact, it was good thinking on her part. Now, that being said, I would be pissed that noone mentioned it to me, if I were you. That is your child, as well as his, and you have EVERY right to know when a legal document i
  15. Nope and the orthos I work for get irritated when someone with a broken pinky toe makes an appt...
  16. ROFL...Hiya Scarlet!!! I filed a police report this AM and just filed the claim with my insurance company. GRRR Im so mad that people have such blatent disregard for other people's things. I work dang hard to pay for my baby and I don't appreciate some jackwagon scraping her up! Oh well, you know what they say about that chick named Karma..............
  17. Oh, I already filed a police report
  18. an SR-22?????? Isn't that what you have to have for a DUI...I don't need my insurance skyrocketing...she will just have to have a bruise and a scratch!
  19. with the exception of the nights that I am in class, we sit at the table as a family for dinner
  20. And this is yet one more reason I hate bratty kids and their unattentive parents. My boys know and have known since they were the proverbial "knee high to a grasshopper" stage, that this type of behavior is not appropriate and will NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be tolerated. They were taught that acting like this in public SWIFTLY earned you a trip to the restroom and it was not so I could "talk" to them. Both boys knew that a trip to the bathroom meant a sore rear end. Funny thing is that my kids DON'T act out in public still to this day. They are also very annoyed by bratty kids and have
  21. Thanks and ummm....do I know you???
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