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Everything posted by copschick

  1. That wasn't really what I had in mind, but I like that too! LOL
  2. I used to take it all the time. Guess I'm gonna have to again...I could go to sleep and sleep for days with the way I feel right now...
  3. Recently, I have been having major bouts of insomnia. Either I can't fall asleep or, if I do, I can't STAY asleep. HELP! This is horrible. I'm exhausted. Night before last I woke up at 2:30am and was up until after 10:00 last night. Even with a good night of sleep, I'm so tired that it is hard to function. Anyone got a caffeine IV? I may need it.... :lazy: <-----------------is all I want!!!
  4. I, for one, am a firm supporter of dirt road justice...just sayin'
  5. Beach trip sans kiddos (hopefully!) in September...school...and thats about it!
  6. Sure...I'll sign for it...you forget I know your name
  7. I didn't have any problems logging in...
  8. Just order it and have them send it over to me...you know where I live LOL
  9. no books, furloughing teachers...gee, I wonder if that's why kids are dumbasses???
  10. Oh, and books...real books for students...at school...wow, what a concept...
  11. Sheriff's Deputies that know where my "forgotten" side of the county is
  12. bless your heart! LOL Like everyone else said, it will work out...I'm getting you a bottle of nice n easy for the grays though LOL
  13. Go read back at the first of the thread...I almost choked
  14. Alanon is for FAMILIES of alcoholics and addicts, dipstick
  15. To Jen and Mrs. B: Dont worry about it. All of us parents understand that babies cry. Ya can't help it. Now don't get me started about terrible parents that won't leave a restaurant when their kid is screaming their head off. It makes me want to choke the life out of people.... sorry, rant over...
  16. dang it...quit telling everyone where I'm at! LOL
  17. hmm...neat. Guess I never really thought about WHY they do it...just know they do LOL
  18. Poor Monica has always had jacked up hair...bless her heart
  19. How appropriate...the POS hanging out in the sewers... Good Job PCSD!
  20. LOL yep...there is certainly something about a uniform...well, some uniforms!
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