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Everything posted by copschick

  1. someone putting on lipgloss? I was at a stoplight this morning and had some very strange gentleman watch until I had lined, applied lipstick, and then glossed. Weird.... Am I missing something? I asked Tow, he said it doesn't interest him, but to each their own LOL
  2. Congrats Tabby!!!! What an awesome Anniversary present!!!! Heres to many, many more
  3. Not until the meds are out of his system...he's been indisposed most of the day
  4. :rofl: hes miserable...poor thing...
  5. RESULTS WERE ALL NEGATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clapping: :yahoo:
  6. sure there are bigsky but he loves what he does. Its days like this I dont love it thougg
  7. hes a police officer...it was a call. He went to stick his hand in her pocket and sliced his finger
  8. thanks I'm praying that her results are actually negative. Then it is over and done with...
  9. thanks y'all. I'm trying to remind myself it will all be just fine
  10. I managed to get some sleep!!!! BUT...Tow was in the ER this morning. He got cut by a razor blade and the girl it belonged to (who was using it to slice her arms up) informed the EMTs that she is HIV positive. Tow's intitial tests came back negative THANK GOD, please pray that the more conclusive test stays the same. I'm keeping a positive attitude and saying it will all be fine! Tow may not be feeling ok later, they gave him some kind of meds to purge his system...
  11. awww...I hope your "day 4" is better
  12. I was just reflecting on my week and have decided that this has been one of the most interesting weeks I have ever had. Don't know if that is from delirium or what, but it has been. Just thought I would share...
  13. copschick


    I would think that they would not...but I'm no zombie expert
  14. I wouldn't consider that "sticking your nose in"! I would consider that watching a child that the parents obviously weren't! Good for you!!!!
  15. I've only locked my keys in my car ONCE since having a fob...and it was because I used the button on the door to lock up...whoops. But hey, on the bright side, I got a visit from some VERY nice firemen
  16. Or accidentaly leave her purse in the car
  17. CE...Rusk makes a silicone product that you put on to avoid frizzies. Also, just a little bit of gel goes a long way. I have curly hair and it is VERY frizzy with nothing in it. I'm a product junkie lol
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