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Everything posted by copschick

  1. sigh...I told you PV...you HAVE to leave my bathroom door open for it not to fog up your shower cam...
  2. lmao...mmp..what did you do to him????l
  3. I said entertain not insult
  4. roflmao mmp...just caught it!!!
  5. lol good point! tow just left for work...Im tired of his schedule
  6. noone is entertaining on fb either!
  7. Friday nights on pcom were entertaining? What happened to those Friday nights? Im bored and need my fellow pcommers to help keep me entertained!
  8. Everytime so and so breaks up, everytime so and so talks to someone...utterly insane
  9. or everytime the scanner goes off? lol
  10. crack me the hell up :rofl: Maybe they are trying to live vicariously through others. who knows, but it is damned sure ridiculous...
  11. I went to the doctor...guess what? I ONLY told her about my ankle LOL
  12. it was...maybe you should come next time!
  13. If I didn't drown last Sunday, I will be just fine this weekend....yowzer what a day! lol
  14. ROFLMAO Rio Grace...my kid isn't 18, he isn't entitled to privacy
  15. What a week from HELL...especially yesterday. I'm so glad it is almost done. I'm thinking a weekend full of frosty adult beverages combined with the pool is in order...
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