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Everything posted by copschick

  1. No, you aren't. You are wanting broaden his horizons and give him a once in a lifetime opportunity (and not just for him, but for you as well). While I can understand his dad not being exactly keen on the idea, but as a parent, I would hope that he would see the importance of the experience.
  2. shhhh Animal...quit telling my secrets! :rofl:
  3. He's still the same...thanks And no...we don't do birthday cakes cause they never get eaten!
  4. wow...that just sounds exciting! Sorry I'm missing out on that!
  5. did you know that they sell bacon sundaes at Dennys? weird...
  6. I'm bored out of my mind and y'all pick today to be quiet!!! What's everyone up to today?
  7. I go in there sometimes JUST to feel cute! LOL And SBE, that was only that ONE time!
  8. When you live out in the middle of nowhere like I do...you learn to frequent DG...lol
  9. I haven't talked to him this morning, but yesterday he still couldn't eat anything. So this is about day 5 of no food but jello...
  10. No, not all of them are....but I think many would be surprised to know how many really are. Besides, I your dispatch daughter!
  11. lol...sadly that is the truth...
  12. I know who had to go fishing in the potty LOL
  13. absolutely I do. My family HATES for me to get involved in a book because I literally get so engrossed I don't hear anything going on around me...
  14. Thanks a lot Surepip...Now I want some pickles...
  15. LOL yeah...I'm sure my face looked something like that...
  16. I need my windows done!
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