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Everything posted by copschick

  1. Go read my post on FB, Lady Raider
  2. My 15 year old. He is being slave labored for being stupid...he will come take care of it...
  3. VERY familiar with John 8:7. read the surrounding verses. The sinner in question didn't maliciously kill her family...
  4. Kinda talks about it in the Bible...eye for an eye
  5. I'm an advocate for hangings on the town square myself. Rope is cheap and reusable. And public viewing would be a better deterrant.
  6. Bear is freaking hot...just sayin'
  7. you don't strike me as a Bourdain type guy...
  8. Grilled pork chops, fried green tomatoes, sauteed squash...veggies courtesy of NC-17!
  9. eating carrots IS good for your eyes. They are full of VitA which affects eyes
  10. My mom always said that if I went outside with wet hair, I would catch pneumonia. You can't catch pneumonia from wet hair!
  11. Hey Jetman...a little late but: ( o )( o )...there's your bday boobies
  12. lol...thanks SBE, I'll try that
  13. Citimortgage may have a problem with that LOL
  14. Dana Cole, the barber in downtown dallas does it! LMAO...he made Tow do it before he would cut his hair this morning! hahahahahahaha
  15. lol I sleep with the 4 legged friends all the time. I want the 2 legged one!
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