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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. "Brainwashed" maybe, "Well read", not so much.......
  2. Some folks make a career of living off the Guberment, our tax dollars at work. I do believe you answered one.
  3. Our Guberment is on the verge of bankruptcy, default, going broke on Guberment Programs.....Yep, I vote that the Guberment take over Healthcare.........NOT !!
  4. My MPG would also increase and engines would last longer. Subby gave pretty good info on what this Ethanol crap is doing to smaller engines.
  5. It's amazing...a simple question on Urgent Care, out of all the comments and information provided on this thread, ONE Person had to make a political statement....Guess who???
  6. Agree with Mark C. on this, that's the reason I'm not on here much anymore, a lot more could be said concerning this, it wouldn't do any good. I have more fun at another location......BYE!!
  7. Pretty good info and map of crash. http://www3.gendisasters.com/georgia/3627/new-hope%2C-ga-southern-airways-jetliner-crash%2C-apr-1977?page=0%2C1
  8. Doesn't deserve an Honorable Discharge, he didn't serve his country honorably....give him a General Discharge, collect the money back and be done with him.
  9. Well, I guess mr Pubby and crew can just remove post they don't like, Blah,Blah, Blah, Pubby. Truth hurts huh....
  10. Blah, Blah, Blah......Just say...Yep, you're right, I screwed up, won't happen again, Thank you for your service to the County...All done. BTW, the CPL probably did know more than your man on the scene...
  11. And what about the one who acts a complete and total IDIOT there TP huh?......
  12. Isn't it againist the rules to bump your own post, oh, forgot he is exempt......
  13. That's a charity I don't wish to contribute, so we are forced to pay for this by the Guberment? Grrrrr......
  14. Look what's in the WH.......Same kinda deal, those that put him there could just as well voted for the dog, same difference.
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