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Everything posted by adult.

  1. My tax dollars do support them, as do yours. But as I've already stated, I'm not an advocate for all the amenities of prison. I say they should get the bare minimum required to keep them alive and capable of working.
  2. This is fascinating. I know Paulding is a highly conservative area, but I'm still surprised to see no one rejecting the death penalty.
  3. Oh, no, don't get me wrong; I didn't say forgive and forget. I said lock 'em up.
  4. I don't see it as loving. It's just not okay to kill a man, regardless of what he's done. Just as I don't believe there is any crime worthy of execution, I don't believe that any price is too high to support one's life (assuming one wants to live). As for the amenities, though, I agree that criminals can live without cable. And I didn't mean to throw someone in a room that doesn't open and let them rot, I just meant send them to prison for the rest of their life.
  5. No. No one has the right to take a life, even as retribution. Lock him up and throw away the key if you like, but I don't support the death penalty in any situation.
  6. I've gradually conditioned myself to stop projectile vomiting at the sight of your avatar.
  7. I think it'd be nice if a poll could be closed without necessarily closing the topic.
  8. Don't you know its always sunny in Philadelphia?
  9. Jason Statham Helena Bonham Carter Brad Pitt Madonna James Franco
  10. Now, now. I never click the banner ads anyway. All of them are local.
  11. With three p.com tabs open, it's telling me this one has three and the other two have two.
  12. Currently blocking two of two trackers on paulding.com.
  13. I don't need a test to tell me I hate everyone.
  14. And as long as we're being ignorant, they probably blow up the houses people live in if they default.
  15. Cool. I know this is a stretch, but perhaps the formation of an ocean and the separation of land masses right under our noses will convince some of the legitimacy of the Pangaea theory.
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