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Everything posted by adult.

  1. Preventing an innocent man's death is worth all the time and money in the world.
  2. Right. They were celebrating because his request not to be killed was denied, so they were celebrating the fact that he was going to be killed.
  3. I can't imagine a situation in which I would find it appropriate to celebrate killing.
  4. Just after midnight Thursday? Didn't that happen just under twenty-four hours ago?
  5. This is so ignorant. Everyone knows reptiles control the planet.
  6. If a student stops taking honors and AP classes over this, said student doesn't deserve to be an honors graduate anyway.
  7. I feel like there's a joke to be made here; something about how I can't barbecue now, but I'll surely barbecue later. But this sounds like fun! I'm glade someone's doing something like this. I'll definitely try to make it to the compation in time for the fanally. I'll even bring my gail!
  8. "No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic." http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/enforce/stspdlaw/gaspeed.htm
  9. Although the UK's General Medical Council didn't investigate whether or not a link actually exists between the MMR vaccination and autism, it did conclude that Dr. Andrew Wakefield was guilty of highly unethical research practices. As a result, he has been struck from the medical register. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8695267.stm
  10. Tin foil over the windows, lots of indoor lamps, strong locks on all the doors...
  11. From the Miami New Times: and: I'd say something about a trend and inductive reasoning, but it's been said before.
  12. I call bullcheeze. If this were true, dispatchers would never get anything done.
  13. The premise is that they won't notice our existence until they notice us trying to contact them. When they do notice it, Hawking is claiming that they'll probably be more interested in the habitable planet.
  14. Nope. The argument is open-ended enough to please me.
  15. Well, sure, that's likely true if intelligent life exists elsewhere and if it's aware of our existence. But just the blanket statement that we're dumb in comparison to the rest of the universe isn't necessarily true. Who's to say we aren't the most intelligent beings in the universe?
  16. He's saying that our attempts to contact extraterrestrial life might be no more to aliens than an indication that our planet could be habitable for them. If they don't notice us, on the other hand, they'll be less likely to notice the planet.
  17. This is surprisingly sci-fi for Hawking.
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