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Everything posted by adult.

  1. Seventh level. Sweet, sweet blasphemy.
  2. I suppose you wouldn't be satisfied until you'd performed your own qualified medical examination?
  3. No, I said what I meant. Muslims aren't the only ones. Of course, all resolutions of the UN (excepting budgetary matters) are optional for its members, so this would certainly not affect us were it to pass. It's still interesting, though, for the commentary it will induce from conservative Christians such as yourself failing to see subtle similarities between you and them.
  4. There's nothing quite like the religious trying to make everyone else follow their rules. Forgot to include link.
  5. This is basically the same as the process I posted. The people I have on this list still can't post on my wall, despite being a friend.
  6. I don't think that's going to work.
  7. Up at the top, go to Settings -> Privacy Settings -> Profile. Now scroll down to Wall Posts and pick Customize from the drop down menu. At the bottom of the screen that pops up, you can type in the names of friends that you don't want seeing your wall.
  8. So you had to pay $100 for being accused and found not guilty? What a load of sheeze.
  9. No joke. I expected it in no time, considering Google's perfection and all.
  10. What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing you haven't already told her twice.
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