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Everything posted by adult.

  1. I don't see how pee-drinking fits in this list.
  2. Did you not see the picture of that little girl?
  3. Of course it's ridiculous. The only realistic concern I've ever heard has been over blood transfusions in the event that you should get in some kind of accident while traveling, and the solution was to have some of your blood removed prior to the trip so you can take it with you. I wonder what the TSA would think of that.
  4. Did you never see him in his wrestling days?
  5. Kelly Ct. is in a neighborhood off of East Paulding Dr. and Gunnell Rd. I believe it's Twelve Oaks.
  6. Is Frampton still available? What are the quality on these?
  7. Two thousand ten. "And" is only included in the pronunciation of a number when a decimal is involved.
  8. Or if she played better music. I had no respect for her until my girlfriend made we watch this video (up until 1:30 is skip-worthy).
  9. Yes, she is taking over, and this is how.
  10. I would never recommend anyone purchase books in advance. Not only do you have to make sure you get the right one, but you might not even need the book to begin with. I've had three or four classes that called for a $250+ book, and I didn't open the damn thing once. Also, getting your books used, especially online, will save you a ton. ETA: Come the end of the semester, I've found it's best to sell your books online, rather than back to the bookstore. You have to deal with shipping, but you generally don't get screwed.
  11. Women shouldn't be concerned with politics anyway. Back to the kitchen, flapper!
  12. I'm not sure whether or not Windows Movie Maker can open mp4, but if it can you can use it to separate the audio and video, and just snip out the parts you don't want.
  13. Man, you got me all excited, thinking that maybe I wouldn't have to pay my ticket.
  14. Can't be as big a waste of time as the merkin.
  15. He's a moron. Nothing is more professional than a beard.
  16. Yup. Girlfriend's computer can't even go into safe mode.
  17. Good to see we're all doing our best to uphold the Bill of Rights.
  18. adult.


    Men don't talk about their problems.
  19. For a fine, perhaps, but I wouldn't say jail time.
  20. If there's grass on the field, play ball. Of course, some prefer to play in the mud.
  21. We got toddlers being sold as sex slaves, and people want to put this guy away for having a consensual relationship with a seventeen year old girl?
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